John Shannonhouse

John Shannonhouse

Scientist. Mostly left liberal. Coffee is awesome
Very serious people understand
*extremely centrist voice* Key to being a Sensible Grown Up is knowing that there are people and then there are "people". The latter we, sadly, have to make Tough Decisions about.
Magibook Gospels Parables: Samaritan who saves you is your buddy Cheap b----es didn't bring oil Sermon: 🎶I got friends in low places...🎵 Jesus matches food donations to feed 600 people instead of 6 Crucifixion: Judas snitched. Pilate wants a GOP Federal judge appointment
I can’t think of a clever caption for this. It just breaks my fucking heart.
You don't need two eggs for an omelet in Paris because one egg is un œuf.
If you want to contact your politicians about mask ban bills, here's a template. Necessary change points like titles & name of addressees are highlighted yellow, but feel free to adjust as needed. If bills are already introduced in your area, consider including their exact legislative ID if you can.
Mask Ban Bill Letter or Call
A new hobby: open incognito tab, go to YouTube. Look at one mind numbingly stupid video. See what the algorithm recommends
Sure they claim talking to an AI customer service rep is not like a real person but I found the small talk bait just as original and annoying as if it was coming from a real person so AI is able to do something humans can do
Right. He is never that coherent
I bet the point is "Tariffs didn't cause the great depression so the ones I'm pitching are fine." Also: no way he wrote that. That's three complete sentences where each flows directly from the one before. The argument is dumb, but coherent. He doesn't do coherent.
Bumper sticker: Jesus Loves You, But I’m His Favorite
It will never not amuse me... "What? That person has adult content?" /Looks at photo "They are doing situps?"
There are deliberately out of context statements as jokes But quips reskeeting now deleted messages provide basically the same service
Pew puts out a study where black people say that they 'believe' in things that are obviously, historically true, well-documented, and still happening today and calls them 'racial conspiracy theories'; are taken aback when people get mad about it
Satan: Welcome to Hell. You will spend eternity tracking down primary references for scientific facts that have been established for 5 decades or longer
me: it’s weird there are so many stoners in high school now. the whole time I was in high school, I never even saw a beer, and no one did drugs my children: me: my children: mom, we don’t know how to tell you this, but they did, you were just a nerd and they didn’t tell you
The theme should be Macho Man from the Village People
This is a bar for only the most straight heterosexual men. Cowboys, Construction workers, Cops, Leather Bound Bikers, Firefighters, Wrestlers, and Sailors. No girl stuff. Just sweaty heterosexual men being sweaty & heterosexual & male with each other. No femmes. All He/him. Males for males. M4M.
“Miscellaneous” Can be the entire first line Of any haiku
This is what happens when you let impressionable children read socialists who don't respect landlords like Jonathan Swift. Doesn't seem so modest now, huh?
Everyone needs an editor
I hate when people conflate "Platonic" with "logical" Like have you ever read a translation of The Republic? It is just dudes making evidence-free conjecture
On the day of Dr. Fauci's testimony, decides to run a deeply unethical OpEd with snazzy graphics and snappy headlines about the Lab Leak. The article itself contains multiple falsehoods and deep mischaracterizations. Let's take every point in turn 👇🧵
Opinion | Why the Pandemic Probably Started in a Lab, in 5 Key The world must not continue to bear the intolerable risks of research with the potential to cause pandemics.
Well I'm satisfied, put this thing in charge of firing control immediately
This is my philosophy
Saw this for the first time today. Seems legit.
I can’t stop laughing at this. 🧪
You are going to give me nightmares
I am a Digital Humanities web developer and IT professional. My greatest hits include: * That sounds great; who is going to maintain it? * No, really; who is going to maintain it? * Lets try again; who is going to maintain it after you get bored with it / run out of grant money? * **screaming**
I was watching a video of Loki the raven a couple of days ago, and I was struck by how inexpressive his face seemed compared to the parrots I'm used to, so here's a thread on parrot faces and what makes them so expressive compared to other #birds