
“Last year, I noticed a line in a story about the killing of Tyre Nichols. The New York Times mentioned that a number of the Memphis, Tennessee, officers knew their body cameras were on and pummeled Nichols anyway. The fact that they were being recorded didn’t deter them at all.”
21 Bodycam Videos Caught the NYPD Wrongly Arresting Black Kids on Halloween. Why Can’t the Public See the Footage? ProPublica editor-at-large Eric Umansky started investigating police oversight after an NYPD officer hit a teenager with a car in 2019. In the years since, he’s learned how police departments have und...
This has happened in Mpls, too. Bodycams are only useful if there's a reliable system for enforcing consequences on cops. Some cities might have one of those, but we sure as hell don't.
Rule of thumb, for Mpls PD: if the cam supports their story they'll release the footage in about 3 days. If not, 3 months or more.
“An officer did hit a kid with his car, another one had pointed his gun at one of the other boys and those boys were in fact arrested without justification.”
It doesn't deter them because even with the video, there are no consequences afterwards.
Federal enshrinement of community review boards with termination powers - citizens pulled from the jury pool serving on rotating 6 week terms
And not being able to be rehired somewhat else. Fired without retirement or benefits.
also they sub in for whoever they put inside
Keeping the tradition of public racist violence alive 🇺🇸
I think this guy is the best choice for dealing with crimes committed by cops.
This is a law; cops do dumb stuff, even if being recorded. It's because they feel their higher-ups will side with them and the recordings will never be used to discipline them in any meaningful way. Most of the time they are right, sadly.
I mean when do they ever face consequences? Why would they care if they're recorded. They'd probably love to make highlight reels for their shitty little clubs.
In two words. Police Unions. They are the problem.
What does that tell you? Were they recruited after leaving the military?
The reforms offered during the Floyd protests were hollow, and we’re living through the results.
Smells a lot like impunity.🤔
This happens when behavior becomes so normalized that they forget it is illegal.
It's only a deterrent if the footage is released to the public.
I saw a study a while back that said that deterrence is less a function of the severity of a punishment, more of the likelihood of it. These cops know they won't be punished unless there's a massive public outcry and even then they will only rarely face more than a 'fire and rehire'.
It’s like the IOF right now in Israel. We’re seeing the war crimes because they recorded them—they don’t care that we see it. They know that there’ll be no consequences.