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Parent, partner, reader, writer, knitter.
Reposted byAvatar Veronica
The fact that qualified, capable candidates with normal flaws are having trouble with a gold-plated tin pot dictator and convicted felon is not a reflection on the candidates; it is a reflection on the electorate. White people are outrageously racist. That’s it. A smidge less racism and we’d win.
Reposted byAvatar Veronica
CEO of the Diarrhea Factory: "you guys! we're just giving away diarrhea! you guys are gonna miss out on all the diarrhea!!"
Reposted byAvatar Veronica
They ended The Good Wife by having Christine Baranski literally slap Julianna Marguiles in the face and then they did it again figuratively with an entire spin-off that basically ignores her existence, it is pretty great.
I feel like The Good Fight needs to get a push for people to watch it, it’s basically a list of Republican crimes and it is delivered by the iconic Audra McDonald and Christine Baranski, plus the bonus of having zero Julianna Marguiles from The Good Wife. Gets you caught up for Elsbeth, too.
Reposted byAvatar Veronica
Thousands of protesters in Barcelona chanted and carried signs that said "Tourists, go home," with some spraying tourists with water guns as they marched against over-tourism
Barcelona Visitors Sprayed By Water Guns As Residents Protest Glut Of Thousands of protesters chanted and carried signs that said "Tourists, go home" and "Barcelona is not for sale."
Reposted byAvatar Veronica
Kamala Harris is pressing the abortion issue every day in every way, everywhere she goes. She is the point person on the issue for the campaign. Could Biden talk more about it? Sure. But it's not his strength, it's hers.
Reposted byAvatar Veronica
Reposted byAvatar Veronica
Why wouldn't they? They understand that flawed Biden is far, far preferable to Project 2025 and Trumpian fascism. Leftist goals depend on there being a relatively free and fair election in 2028, which very well might not happen if Trump wins.
Lol AOC, Omar, and Pressley all issuing statements of support for Biden within half an hour. We (the left) better be getting something in return for it.
Reposted byAvatar Veronica
Similarly, the likelihood that the Republican presidential nominee drops dead from a drug overdose between now and November is definitely above zero
As things stand it’s not controversial to say Trump is in the lead but people should really try to remember that every Democratic operative has generalized anxiety disorder and every Republican operative is on coke
Reposted byAvatar Veronica
so many things about the US government that are now treated as Inviolable Precedent are based on things like "this is a number I just pulled out of my ass" and have been modified repeatedly over time until one day people decided changing the number was too hard it doesn't have to stay that way!
Seven times between 1801 and 1869 Congress changed the size of the court, going from a low of five justices in 1801 to a high of ten in 1863. In most of those cases, as in 1801 and 1863, the size went up and down in order to fix an imbalance or overreach by the Supreme Court. My latest
The Case for Expanding the Supreme Court Has Never Been Biden has repeatedly refused to endorse “court-packing.” The right-wing justices’ ruling on presidential immunity ought to change his mind.
Reposted byAvatar Veronica
One of the conclusions I am coming to is that we are too precious about the federal judiciary. You don’t get to be a coequal branch of government, if you don’t have an enforceable ethics code.
Reposted byAvatar Veronica
your average milquetoast herb of a centrist dem congresscritter is absolutely glued to the front page of the NYT 26 hours a day, if you wonder why they all seem like they’ve had their brains irrigated with battery acid as of late, well, they sort of have
Reposted byAvatar Veronica
it’s gonna be a slow rollout as everyone works through this huge document to find all its buried horrors but oh boy oh boy oh boy when the labor union organizers get to this one things are gonna get lit on actual fire
They want to take away overtime pay “How many hours did you work this week?” “60” “Well well well looks like we only need you for 20 hours next week, so no OT, sorry about that”
Reposted byAvatar Veronica
They can say all they want about how they cover both candidates' flaws with equal professional scrutiny but they transparently believe the Democratic nomination is something they have the power to influence and the Republican nomination is something they don't
It's really something to contrast how the paper sees its role with Biden or Claudine Gay with how it sees its role with Trump or Chris Rufo
Reposted byAvatar Veronica
This is another unidentified woodblock artist from the 1930's. It's called Noodle Stand at Night and the publisher was most likely Watanable Shozaburo. I tried reverse imaging it but Google has gone on walkabout the last couple of years. It gave me 10 "exact matches" that were not.
Reposted byAvatar Veronica
Reposted byAvatar Veronica
this movie really is peak American Century cinema. a film where the world is saved less by American technology or military strength then by American ingenuity and bravery born of a diverse, meritocratic society.
watching INDEPENDENCE DAY for the pod and damn this movie still whips!
Reposted byAvatar Veronica
Ultimately the Democratic Party gets to decide who its nominee is, for better or worse. But it certainly seems like parts of the media believe they it is their job to choose the Democratic candidate, rather than covering the strengths and weaknesses of *both* candidates running for President.
is Donald Trump still running for president
Reposted byAvatar Veronica
France: Defeats fascists. NYT:
Reposted byAvatar Veronica
Been thinking about the Claudine Gay coverage as a keystone to Biden coverage : it was an editorial campaign driven by story after story. It takes enormous editorial hubris to be certain they are right (they were wrong about Gay). What I wrote then:
Reposted byAvatar Veronica
love when someone tries to argue with me about a post from yesterday. we're past that. democratic participation was yesterday's theme. today i am thinking about white wine clams with spanish chorizo
Reposted byAvatar Veronica
At the risk of posting something stupefyingly obvious: If you're among those canceling a New York Times or Washington Post subscription, I guarantee you have a great nonprofit media outlet or local paper in your area that could use some revenue. And that coverage is absolutely vital right now.
Reposted byAvatar Veronica
Robert’s’ opinion reads like one written by an arrogant freshman edge lord who was just told he was wrong. Sigh.
Reposted byAvatar Veronica
This will go down with Dred Scott among the worst decisions ever. What kind of mental delusion makes you think you're avoiding influencing political decisions when your action is actually the greatest possible influence on political decisions? 3 justices are on the take, but 3 are mentally ill.
Reposted byAvatar Veronica
Here's the thing: the people pulling the fire alarm on Trump v. US are people like Radley, Legal Eagle and , etc. I've followed these guys for years and they are not prone to panic-mongering. They're usually the ones saying, "Take a deep breath". It really is that bad.
Reposted byAvatar Veronica
If these anti-abortion groups think the RNC platform is a win, it is not “moderate” or “scaled back”
Reposted byAvatar Veronica
Most headlines on the GOP platform abortion changes will be garbage about “softening.” Pay attention to the reaction from a top anti-abortion group: “It is important that the GOP reaffirmed its commitment to protect unborn life today through the 14th Amendment.”
Reposted byAvatar Veronica
Yes, I have a LOT OF BEEF with Biden. So much beef. and There is no version of the story that involves Republicans gaining more control of our government now that ends well. Not a single one. Come on. We know this. The answer is: Voting can't be the END of our fight for change. Ever.
Reposted byAvatar Veronica
Once again: The actual POTUS doesn't do a lot. Who they (*groans* he) tap(s) for key staff jobs, however, is critical and winds up having a profound impact on policy and the running of this joint. The amount things don't fall apart matters. Project 2025 REALLY SOFA KING MATTERS, friends
I want to be clear that I'm not some huge Biden stan. He has been far better than I expected, but I don't ultimately care that much which Dem is in the White House in 2025, just so long as it's a Dem
Reposted byAvatar Veronica
Reposted byAvatar Veronica