
Yeah it’s bad enough without people who’ve been pretty dismissive of protest during this administration, just weeks ago, turning around and demanding people take to the streets now
Protests have been happening, they’ll continue to happen, and the SCOTUS decisions will be protested, but you’re not the protest leaders. It’s not some tap to be turned off and on at whim.
It’s kind of wild to witness cause clearly the idea that they’d be the decision makers on when protests are appropriate has also fueled a lot of the politics and policy responding to protests around Gaza and *importantly* previous protests against the Supreme Court.
Cop City protesters being charged as terrorism, with people supporting them charged with conspiracy was the time to speak up for protests.
Cops murdered a peaceful protestor and the reaction of the majority was a shrug.
It's wild to pivot from charging students with crimes for protesting genocide last week and blasting people for "disrupting" pride matches to chastising us for not doing enough taking to the streets to save the country. Like, what?
they're just finding another way of blaming the victims and washing their own hands of any blame
"TAKE TO THE STREETS!" "Ok but you know people die when we do that." "THATS A SACRIFICE I'M WILLING TO WATCH. BECAUSE ORANGE MAN BAD."
“Deeply asymmetrical” is so funny. Something something, white liberal, something something…
They gave the justices personal guards omg these people!!
"Dissent must never lead to disorder," said...checks notes...President Biden.
The editor in chief of Mother Jones?
Yeah this is what they were saying, again, a few months ago.
Yeah, still Mother Jones has been pretty good about reporting on the situation in Gaza. MJ and Zeteo are the only things I still subscribe to.
That’s all fine and well, if someone personally has been using their influence to undermine protests, then they personally shouldn’t be acting as if it’s any wonder why people aren’t taking to the street now.
Clara can go fuck herself.
"Some of you may die, but that is a sacrifice I am willing to make"
Libs heard the guts rumbling for four years, they ignored those rumblings, and when their boy finally has a real crisis moment, they're shocked their scenario has shit the bed. Wishful thinking is not a coherent ideology.
Imagine having a platform of literal millions of readers and choosing to spend your time whining on Twitter that people aren't doing enough