Will Weldon

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Will Weldon


Lack of worth ethic, lack of conditioning, injury concerns
My wife having to rescue the same four bees over and over as they repeatedly fly into the pool is really damaging bee credibility in my eyes
I get they love each other, but isn't having the guy who was doing borderline financial crimes internationally in all these meetings at best an optics nightmare?
My four year old nephew was just screaming "the floor is lava!" at us, and my wife was like "how do all kids know about lava?" so she asked him and he said "I know about lava from the floor is lava." Life is just a big circle.
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the conservative theory of law in one headline
What if we're all wrong about the Democrats and this has just been an ingenious way to get everyone excited for a Kamala presidency (alternatively, what if this is simply hall of fame levels of cope on my part)
My father-in-law is in town and we stopped at our place to get some stuff. My wife turned on the TV and was like "watch whatever you want while I get ready" and he immediately put on the local news.
As we near the end of Pride month I'd just like to reiterate my stance that denying Francisco Goya painted the black paintings is homophobic and bad allyship
MY PHONE: Would you like to see a slideshow of photos of your dead dog set to a sad song? ME: Why would I- (About Today beings playing)
I genuinely believe that Shotcut was made to kill specifically me, Will Weldon
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It’s so cool that cities are like “pweeease only turn your AC on if you’re actively dying and don’t go below 79 🥺🤘🏻💗” while the AI nobody asked for is slurping up the power grid to make 1 image of a girl with 5 tits
Wow that's quite a knot you have in your shoulders. Probably because I used to be a sailor.
I think it's hypocritical that Kendrick Lamar is being praised over and over again for doing something that got me kicked out of the Toronto Raptors subreddit (calling Drake a pedophile)
Picturing a server rushing out from the back to shush George Clooney while he's eating a steak
I used to get loudly pissed off at cars that didn't look when they turned and nearly killed my pedestrian ass, but now I just make eye contact with the nearest stopped driver like I'm Jim from the Office and they are the camera. Nobody likes it.
Fantasy author J. K. K. Simmons
Republicans trying to win big in November by constantly shifting national attention away from Joe Biden's many flaws and back onto the the fact that Joe Biden really loves his son is brilliant stuff
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You just so rarely see a Priest body someone so hard
*annoying my wife voice* in some ways, Oingo Boingo were the original shit posters
I wish someone would completely redesign the way loot works in my actual real life
I'm always wishing I could say things like "it was the bloody Russians you worthless tit"
*Extremely flirty voice* so, my wife often finds me annoying
Yeah I see why the electoral success of a party with a record like this would make people nervous
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oh brother, looks like the pleasant repliers are out in force today. time to bust out the "enjoy posts" hammer
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Been listening to @oldmanweldon.bsky.social's new podcast I Hate Bill Maher and I really appreciate a guy who will absorb tremendous psychological trauma in order to tell me about a guy who sucks so bad
I thought I heard my wife listening to "You Make My Dreams (Come True)" and my first thought was "uh oh, somebody's trying on a series of outfits in rapid succession"
I started a podcast about how much I hate Bill Maher. It's called I Hate Bill Maher. So far, I have not had a single person express surprise to me over the show's premise. oldmanweldon.com/ihatebillmaher
I Hate Bill Maher the Podcast — Will Weldonoldmanweldon.com
Nothing more insane than the pervert English telling Americans they're unreasonable for having serious doubts about the Lucy Letby conviction because we didn't spend years having our brains warped by their awful tabloid press system.
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