
“A massive exodus of competence.” I worry that far too many people are tuned out and unaware of the fascist train speeding towards us. Must Watch: John Oliver on the Horror of “Trump’s Second Term”
Must Watch: John Oliver on the Horror of "Trump's Second Term" John Oliver discusses Donald Trump’s plans for a second term, why it could be much worse than his first term, and what Trump has in common with a hamster.
Thanks for posting that. I'm terrified, absolutely terrified.
The country belongs to those who vote. I worry that far too many people are looking for reasons that make them feel good/better about not voting.
My informal trans network is very, very aware of this, and previously fringe discussions on fleeing the US or buying weapons have become normalized. We are terrified of both the coming disaster as well as the fact that most ppl are utterly ignorant of it.
Was Project 2025 personally authored by Vladimir Putin? If you wanted a roadmap to the utter destruction and global irrelevance of the United States, you couldn't ask for anything more thorough.
Maybe it was subconscious but at 9:05 Oliver is clearly giving the "wankers" gesture when the Project 2025 graphic comes up.