Chase Woodruff

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Chase Woodruff

Reposted byAvatar Chase Woodruff
Reposted byAvatar Chase Woodruff
Remember when the most important issue was civility in politics because restaurant workers politely decline to serve Sarah Sanders and now everyone targeted by Trump or his cronies needs private security and we don’t talk about civility much anymore
Trump supporters try to doxx jurors and post violent threats after his On social media and web forums, users called for jurors, judges and prosecutors to be killed after the former president was found guilty on 34 felony counts.
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Surreal levels of Lawyer Brain in Jenna Ellis' non-disbarment, in which her having "undermined the American public's confidence in the presidential election process" is directly and decisively compared mortgage fraud or forging a drug prescription.
Reposted byAvatar Chase Woodruff
Alito lied about the reason the flag was up because he didn’t know the couple had text messages establishing the date of when the incident took place. They were supporting the insurrection.
Reposted byAvatar Chase Woodruff
What's kind of amazing is that we're actually living through a huge technology revolution where our entire power grid is being replaced by solar panels and battery storage and you hear less about it in the press than you did about the totally fake "tech" of NFTs
Jared Polis' plan to bring housing costs down is to give property owners more power to "solve" the problem. Meanwhile the property-owning class gets online every day and admits that their goals and incentives are the direct opposite of that.
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Our current moment, explained: imagine that keeping your car idling 24/7 solved mad libs that told you to put glue on pizza
Reposted byAvatar Chase Woodruff
this dude is basically the nation’s leading expert on legal ethics, we are so cooked.
Have been returning to this passage once or twice a week lately
Some of the least serious and least credible people in Colorado politics right now are business groups who supported Gallagher repeal but now want the legislature to make it 1997 again by science or magic.
What's a crisis in the cost of housing demanding sweeping corrective action by Colorado lawmakers, and what's simply the free market at work? The last two years at the Capitol have given us a pretty clear answer.
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Colorado’s new fees on oil and gas production will substantially increase the amount of money the state collects from fossil-fuel producers — but they will do little to offset its exceptionally low rates of conventional taxes on the industry.
How Colorado's new oil and gas production fees stack up against other states • Colorado Colorado’s new fees on oil and gas production will do little to offset the state's low rates of conventional taxes on the industry.
This is the third time in a week that ballot-measure brinkmanship has produced major policy outcomes through closed-door negotiations at the Colorado Capitol (four if you count income taxes). Seems like a real escalation of a trend toward very opaque state governance.
Colorado homeowners, who already make cost-controlled mortgage payments, will now also get cost-controlled property taxes courtesy of state intervention, while the state continues to ban local governments from enacting cost control for renters.
The free market is the fairest and most efficient way to allocate society's resources; you can tell from the way we shield the wealthier 65% of the state from all of its pressures and leave the other 35% entirely at its mercy.
Colorado homeowners, who already make cost-controlled mortgage payments, will now also get cost-controlled property taxes courtesy of state intervention, while the state continues to ban local governments from enacting cost control for renters.
Colorado homeowners, who already make cost-controlled mortgage payments, will now also get cost-controlled property taxes courtesy of state intervention, while the state continues to ban local governments from enacting cost control for renters.
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Reposted byAvatar Chase Woodruff
Columbia’s page regretting its decisions in 1968 bears a banner reflecting some of the decisions it is making now.
It’s a miracle that the cops being sicced on these schools haven’t killed anyone yet but it can only be a matter of time
Reposted byAvatar Chase Woodruff
very funny to be so out of touch that you can't even do the lazy Because Of Woke stuff right. Not even the people most primed to believe this are so clueless as to not understand why there are no big network TV sitcoms anymore!
It’s in defense of the movie here but “Twister, but with war instead of tornadoes” is a very succinct summation of why Civil War sucked
What is the civil war in 'Civil War' about? 'Civil War' as an anti-explainer movie
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I know that it’s dangerous to hold on too tightly to formative political experiences of your youth. But that said: I just can’t get over how much all of the lessons of the post 9/11 era, War on Terror, Iraq and the protests against same are being just entirely excised from collective memory.
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Should we believe the data that shows RTD is an efficiently run transit agency that's been given an impossible task by the Legislature? Or does its elected board simply not want it bad enough? On the 50-year history of Colorado leaders' magical thinking on RTD reform:
A short history of Colorado lawmakers’ magical thinking on RTD reform • Colorado As it struggles to come up with the funds to build a long-awaited rail line and maintain the reliability of its bus service, Denver’s Regional Transportation District is facing a barrage of criticism ...
Reposted byAvatar Chase Woodruff
The very real way American society has gone soft is an inability to tolerate levels of tension generations past would have laughed at. A country as diverse & (putatively) free as we are will be fractious. If you say things like 'trying Trump will rip us apart' you shouldn't be in charge of anything.
My most anti-media view (for a guy inside media) is that we too often used terms like "chaos" and "civil war" to describe "people protesting" or "people having argumentative meetings."