
i refuse to believe that americans who watched the debate think that biden’s first 15 minutes are somehow stronger evidence of old age decline than falling asleep, *in public*, DURING YOUR OWN FUCKING CRIMINAL TRIAL, *IN COURT IN FRONT OF THE JUDGE AND JURY*, but, you know, i’m not a columnist.
Trump’s public schedule showed that on most days, he worked (“worked”), like three hours a day. And this isn’t even a “Biden can’t work late at night” issue. It’s a Biden is pulling back on SCHEDULED EVENTS that start after 8pm, which is actually a good idea for most people.
They can only believe that if they don’t know about the falling asleep. And the falling asleep during the trial has gotten way way way less coverage
Turns out a single live blog is not as impressive to the electorate as wall to wall coverage where every columnist at the paper has a take, no matter how thorough your correspondent is