
i refuse to believe that americans who watched the debate think that biden’s first 15 minutes are somehow stronger evidence of old age decline than falling asleep, *in public*, DURING YOUR OWN FUCKING CRIMINAL TRIAL, *IN COURT IN FRONT OF THE JUDGE AND JURY*, but, you know, i’m not a columnist.
Trump’s public schedule showed that on most days, he worked (“worked”), like three hours a day. And this isn’t even a “Biden can’t work late at night” issue. It’s a Biden is pulling back on SCHEDULED EVENTS that start after 8pm, which is actually a good idea for most people.
They can only believe that if they don’t know about the falling asleep. And the falling asleep during the trial has gotten way way way less coverage
Turns out a single live blog is not as impressive to the electorate as wall to wall coverage where every columnist at the paper has a take, no matter how thorough your correspondent is
Everyone trying so hard to vibe a campaign collapse into being as the polls either make MoE shifts or don't budge at all. An obviously dishonest dedicated media freakout smashing headfirst into reality over and over and over again.
And complaining constantly about being cold
Dude delivered a three-minute monologue about electrocution vs. shark attacks and somehow he's the one who DOESN'T have to prove his mental competence.
he's a corporate rubber stamp. competency is a hindrance
Yes, I understand that. What I don't understand is all of the ordinary Democrats and leftists who are signing onto an obvious rat fucking campaign and saying, "Our guy needs to prove he's perfectly competent before we support him against the guy whose brain is visibly leaking from his ears."
Democrats and leftists have not made winning elections a priority since Nov. 2008.
I personally believe he shouldn't be the nominee either. I think the dems should have a team of responsible, sensible, competent candidates at the ready (the 'best people'). I never trusted the Dems again after they passed over Sanders, and the graph from election night 2016 looked sus af.
But the Disney heiress thinks so so 🤷🏻‍♂️
Taps sign.
I would kindly request I never have to hear about the Disney heiress again
Sir how can you disavow Darth Traya
I dunno if anonymous donors say something to the New York Times enough that makes it true, right?
Or does that only work for ousting university presidents?
The American public has a gnat's attention span but falls for any lie on repeat. The MSM knows this, is in the bag for Trump & loves setting Dem hair on fire. They also know the GOP DGAF if Trump's diapers are leaking in court & the crushed Adderall is flying from his nose. He has their vote.
And you'll never BE a columnist, with that attitude.
I nearly broke teeth from clenching my jaw as I saw multiple dumbfuck ignoramus accounts on here describe Biden’s performance as “sundowning”
“I refuse to believe” is the denial stage
The point is that of the two, the decent old codger you want to win is fluffing it and risks dangerously losing. That level of risk isn't worth it.
ditching the nominee right before the convention has a stellar track record of having worked exactly zero times it has been attempted, so it’s obviously an easy choice
When has it ever been attempted?
closest recent was 68 and this would be even weirder
It's not really comparable, imo? Also like Lyndon Johnson could not have won that election
basically no prior election is comparable. primaries did not matter in the same way 1968 and earlier. anyone who is very confident about how things will go is mistaken
When Nixon won in a landslide because of it.
Instead of risking losing they should choose to definitely lose?
Didn't he do that deliberately, as it was about the only way to show contempt without getting done for it?
inclined to believe that’s an after-the-fact rationalization
Trouble is, both are just as likely...
Be that as it may, the job of the Democratic Party and liberal commentariat is to highlight these things and argue that they're proof of Trump's deterioration, instead of ignoring them and gaming out their fantasies in which a broadly popular 35-year-old MENSA member takes him on instead.
“I meant to do that.” That’s the cry of the pathological narcissist.
Your reaction is so un-American, you're supposed to be hysterically screaming "what we can do now?? we need to do something or everything is lost!!!"
Most Americans paid little or no attention to that trial so...........