
"Having lost the primary, I now intend to ratfuck the guy who won" It's a whole subculture of guys who have never lost, have their proximate systems rigged up so they can't lose, & are mortally offended that there's a system that doesn't let them win
whelp, guess the big interview didn't give them what they wanted since the goalposts have now moved to "can he win over crypto investors with inexplicable politics"
Aside from "crypto billionaire", I'm not taking political advice from a guy who thinks that you "take the reigns"
I'm like, you don't respect Democratic voters, you don't respect the Democratic Party, you don't respect the electoral system, why should you be given the rei(g)ns to anything?
I don't want the reins. I do want to raise the temperature, and slowly manufacture consent for democrats to do so in crisis without fearing blowback. The last election was decided by a coup and military-backed counter coup. We win, we steal or we die, by order of preference
It's the exact playbook that Trump used to meme his way into a near-dictatorship. It could easily get tons of people killed, but like nuclear weapons, you never want to let the other guy arm unilaterally