
like yeah, sure, if we're gonna define AI as "any form of autonomy for an unmanned system whatsoever," we were totally using AI-powered drones back in 2014
it's pretty amusing how a lot of drone companies have recently decided to rebrand "autopilots with sensors that let you follow waypoints and avoid obstacles" (tech which basically existed 10 years ago) as "AI" for marketing purposes
At least it’s “AI” and not “cybernetics”
I feel that’s overdue for a very dumb revival sadly
God I hate that "cyber" has become the dumbfuck Enterprise Term™ for digital infosec
I do get confused whenever people refer to cybersecurity. I just assume they must be referring to having safe online dating relationships because they are definitely not talking about cybernetics
Don't give them ideas... I am pretty sure they will make a link between those two!
Reposting from another, and yet still entirely relevant, thread
That’s Replika. Only it’s also a creepy sex slave *at the same time*.
I do wonder, if a person is dysfunctional and can't create social links due to mental health issues. Using an AI that learns their patterns doesn't create an AI with mental health problems too?
every time a stranger asks what i do for a living and i say “security engineering,” and they say “oh you mean cyber,” i die a little inside
I confess to overusing "cybersecurity" because it was the term used in uni studies and I haven't known better. I tried varying my vocab in my code clubs but the elementary school students respond "huh? Isn't that cybersecurity?"
INFOSEC. INFOSEC. was "Infosec Taylor Swift" for years!! (Tay pls do not change to "Cyber Taylor Swift." pls.)
Depends. The word never comes up in day to day normal discussions. But if you meet with an infosec vendor you can tell they get paid every time they throw out the useless word.
I kinda think it's a deliberate removal of information security, because big corporate realised they don't want secure information, they want it for training data.
I had this giant squabble with my bosses when I started this job because I kept insisting that "cyber" meant more and different things than just infosec. I lost.