
I really cannot overemphasize how serious those of us who say this might be the last meaningful election are this will not be anything like his first term and they are deadly serious about eliminating any possible opposition to their theocracy inside or outside the government
You would think that would mean that the Dems would not be trying to alienate youth, left and Arab/Muslim voters, but there you are. The best slogan the Dems have going is "Vote Biden or we'll laugh when you go to the Trump camps!" and that just doesn't GOTV. Demotivational.
that is no one's "slogan." you are inventing shit. if you want something to affirmatively vote for, you could simply settle on his agenda on climate and energy, which is easily the best we have seen from any president ever.
it's not a slogan but SO MANY liberals have been saying "enjoy the camps"
ok, those people all suck and no one should use language like that, but we still need to make absolutely sure that the IRA is able to come to full fruition.
You would think that they would understand sarcasm.
Right. Let me know if that can bring my friend's brother-in-law back to life, who died in a tent in Rafah and left behind four fatherless daughters. Thanks, Biden.