
I really cannot overemphasize how serious those of us who say this might be the last meaningful election are this will not be anything like his first term and they are deadly serious about eliminating any possible opposition to their theocracy inside or outside the government
Alot of people who rightfully point out how they were told to stop worrying about Roe are telling people to stop worrying about people trying to end free elections in America despite a bunch of assholes saying their goal is to end free elections in America
the people who said they were gonna end roe ended roe so when they say they’re going to end democracy, they will…
It’s amazing to me that in the space of about ten years, “We’re a republic not a democracy” has gone from something I said, to something I thought was at best a half-correct bit of pedantry, to a giant blinking red warning light on a wannabe fascist.
The US is both a republic and a democracy. Full stop. There's nothing more irksome than the cultural or academic redefining of terms, when their pre-hairsplitting definitions remain common and functional. 'Race' and 'sex' leap to mind, with republic and democracy also among the many.
With that, it'll be about 10 nanosecs before someone tells me what an ignorant fool I am, and that I must KEEP UP!
Language evolves. Get over it, gramps! 😁
I get it, and I'm trying! It's just galling when it's done for obvious and deceitful enfranchisement/ disenfranchisement purposes. 🤬
Guess where else was a 'republic not a democracy', the USSR. Could never understand Americans that said it thinking it was a good thing.
That's an excellent point. *slips it into a pocket for future use as a return shot*
There's a whole class of politicians and pundits who swear Republicans are just putting on an act because they're not that way around them. Never entertaining the thought Republicans are just like that and are in fact pretending to be rational in their company.
It’s always motte and bailey with republicans. They trot out extreme ideas then retreat to “common sense” base “principles” when directly challenged. But the extreme ideas are their goals.
They love to frame those extreme ideas as "common sense," in fact.
Yup... and when Biden says he's going to genocide people in the middle east he is telling the truth... and when Trump says he'll genocide people globally and in the USA he is too... Trump is the worse evil... I hate Biden, but we're stuck between Biden and a much worse situation. I hate it all.
Because those people think they can survive. They don’t understand that the Republican platform is that everybody who doesn’t support their platform is to be enslaved. Anybody who resists enslavement to their platform of bigotry is to be killed.
Also some of them are rich enough to survive. Like, they know if it goes sideways they can afford to emigrate or just buy access to illegal abortions etc, etc. So while they might say they have a left political persuasion they aren’t really thinking of everyone.
They're going to make the same mistake that Ernst Thalmann and the German Communists made. That mistake was fatal.
They should look at how dissenters like Michael Cohen, John Bolton, George Conway, and AJ Delgado have been treated, to name just a few. It’s scary how scary it is.
Either way under fascism like in Texas, Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi and other Republican run governments, you lose!
yeah it's kind of frustrating when the responses are just deriding the dems crying wolf every election because these guys are just out here saying what they're going to do very plainly and it doesn't seem to matter
“you keep saying that, come up with a new argument, that one’s old” okay but it hasn’t stopped being true, so
also feels like the dems are not seizing on this either, like their "most important election" messaging is the same as ever instead of pointing to very specific things like this and there's an air of apathy because they also don't seem to give a shit about unpopular policies or optics. perfect storm
Also, their actions don't match their rhetoric. Supporting Israel seems important enough to them to risk tanking what they say will be the last election if they lose. Why? They're pouring money into police that the next administration will use to enforce their agenda. Etc. Etc. Etc.
Dems could take advantage of negative partisanship to make full-throated, maximalist appeals for their supposed principles and ideal progressive policies — if they actually wanted those things But the Democratic Party and it’s politicians do *not* want those things They want you to think they do.
They do talk about it on social media. Biden HQ talks about it at least once a month. Among all the other stuff.
That’s nice, but what does the intersection of the Venn diagram of “people who are involved in Project 2025” and “people who spent the Trump admin remorselessly, openly doing crimes and haven’t been prosecuted for it”?
There’s a lot of “the boy who cried wolf” in Democratic fundraising, especially since at the same time they keep emphasizing the importance of bipartisanship when they are actually legislating Their messaging is shit
It's because the Dems aren't all that different.
but they are talking about it, and when they do these folks just say "give us a better argument" so... anyway I'm going to vote on my way out this country cause the polls look like it's time for everyone who can flee should
yup. i'm sure to many non-engaged citizens it sounds crazy to suggest that the dems have to win every presidential election for the foreseeable future or we lose our democracy, and it really sucks, but that's where we're at... and we got here by *not taking shit seriously enough* for too long.
America's punditocracy: more wrong than your weatherman with less consequences for it.
“vote for Biden if you want the chance to vote for someone better in 2028” is still the most broadly appealing slogan for the campaign imo
why would the democrats let us vote for someone better next time? they’re getting everything they want from the ‘elevate boogeyman and offer nothing’ strategy
You could begin by acknowledging on most issues Biden is actually very good.
Biden is compromised in the way anybody who can rise to and maintain power under this system would be. He has also worked to do things to benefit working people (support for unions, debt forgiveness), and to transition us to renewable energy. He will also, if he loses, willingly leave office.
he promised to willingly leave office at the end of his current term
A strategic promise to be a one-term president, changed because the situation changed, is very different from a president who "jokes" about having more than two terms and tried to incite murder to retain the presidency he had lost. Plenty doubted the one-term promise; nobody thinks he'll go for 3.
Yeah, because I value my time on Earth
if you think they've done nothing you aren't paying attention
In 2020 I was convinced that they would attempt something more than a coup and that Trump would find out what happens if a president refuses to step down. In 2024 I'm convinced that SCOTUS will just overturn an election that doesn't go his way.
This is the most damning & scary bit of the whole article, to me. They're saying out loud that they intend to pack the federal bureaucracy with people willing to do outright illegal things to achieve complete control. (After all, who will stop them? The DOJ? SCOTUS? lol.)
precisely “this is against the law” is meaningless if nobody will enforce that law on the people violating it
Corrupting others was always at the core of the Shrieking Wigstand's attempts to coerce Pence into joining his autogolpe coup. Pence: I don't have the power to do what you're asking. Wigstand: But wouldn't it be great if you did?
You would think that would mean that the Dems would not be trying to alienate youth, left and Arab/Muslim voters, but there you are. The best slogan the Dems have going is "Vote Biden or we'll laugh when you go to the Trump camps!" and that just doesn't GOTV. Demotivational.
that is no one's "slogan." you are inventing shit. if you want something to affirmatively vote for, you could simply settle on his agenda on climate and energy, which is easily the best we have seen from any president ever.
it's not a slogan but SO MANY liberals have been saying "enjoy the camps"