ReadPaints (chickadee drinks tea)

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ReadPaints (chickadee drinks tea)

30s she/her/hers🌻 fandom lurker/librarian/general interests and amusements account
A general reminder—periodic cicadas pose no threat to anyone and their plant damage is limited to nipping off the ends of twigs. Please do not hose them with pesticide. They are slow and clumsy and confused and only want to make friends with other cicadas and die of sexual exhaustion.
What? Moar babies in wildflowers, you say? Ok.
modern society is so divorced from our food sources that most people who eat pop tarts have never actually killed one themselves
Seeing a lot of discourse RE: younger millennials bemoaning that they're Old and Cringe now and I just want to reach out and reassure today's youth that the best strategy for remaining relevant in a fast-paced world is to simply NEVER be even faintly cool or on-trend, at all, ever
This is one of the most honorable way to approach making art, to believe in your ability to put something into the world that helps *somewhere, sometime* & that hypothetical audience is worth caring about
Listening to an album for the first time that released nine years ago and every time I do this with music, I remember it works the same way with books. What you write today may take some time to be found by those who will love it but you can’t lose hope of that discovery occurring.
“The Belonging” (Charcoal on Paper)✨🎨 Signed prints up on now ☺️❤️
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