
Seeing a lot of discourse RE: younger millennials bemoaning that they're Old and Cringe now and I just want to reach out and reassure today's youth that the best strategy for remaining relevant in a fast-paced world is to simply NEVER be even faintly cool or on-trend, at all, ever
A+ recommend being a gay little nerdy weirdo who blunders through life cluelessly enjoying stuff
Just stumbling through life like a dorky trans Mr. Magoo.
I’m cultivating a nonbinary David the Gnome era where I just live at peace in the woods with my gay wife and my animal friends and let the world go by. Wait this could also be Frog and Toad, but they might be too masc and amphibious to represent me and Mel.
“Too amphibious” <> ☠️
I describe them as “our favorite gay, ace uncles” quite frequently… but, like, I think their separate living situations might point more towards aro. Mileage may vary. (I have a Frog and Toad sweatshirt and would highly recommend acquiring one.)
Frog and Toad are canonically gay. Unfortunately, Arnold Lobel was closeted until very late in life, with a wife and children, and Frog and Toad were a kind of fantasy outlet for depicting the life he wanted.
It was a Christmas gift, but I know my mom got it from my Etsy list.
I have a Frog and Toad shirt from Out of Print! Sadly, they don’t have it on the site anymore.
Fartin’ around like Vonnegut said I would be.
I think the problem is that being a gay little nerdy weirdo who blunders through life cluelessly started becoming cool. I blame Dropout.
Right?! But at the same time I’d much rather the kids grow up to realize “oh wait I’m a straight normie” after living a gay nerdy weirdo life than the other way around. After being aggressively closeted in high school I’m like you know what? Everyone gets to be gay now.
Totally agree, talk about grooming, I cringe when people ask small kids about their girlfriends or boyfriend.
If anything, I think most of us identify-affirming parents & educators are focussed on un-groonming kids so that they can just exist as they are, whatever that looks like for them.
I am a gay nerdy Trekkie weirdo into science fiction, Cajun and Irish and Scottish traditional music, DJing on non-commercial radio, cooking Creole and Italian and Sichuan food, can’t dance, have no fashion sense, and loving every minute of it.
If I wasn't following you already, this right here would decide for me to do so! (Self and hubby were the "token" straights at the Gay Trekkies club in Dublin. We gave ourselves *great* nicknames.)
I'm hoping the Gay Trekkies club in Dublin is as fun as it sounds. "Computer. DRINK! DRINK! DRINK!"
I haven't been with them in awhile (one of their founding members passed on about a year ago), but that sounds very much like something they'd do.
Gods, it's been so long since I've been to Ireland. I miss it. (Ack, it's almost been 20 years! We flew to Dublin to see Planxty in February 2004 -- my fifth trip and my husband's first.)
It has saved me so much stress. My sister who was "cool" and stylish is the one who angsts the most about aging and has dealt with it poorly.
Seconded. This is the only way to live.
I started dating by letting people know up front I’m into D&D and comic books and linguistics and space facts, and move on from there to talk about my favorite species of tree (the metasequoia!) — if they’re still interested, it’s usually a good date.
If you as a millennial can spend a decade listening to old people say there's something wrong with your generation, and then turn around and be weird about the generations coming up after you, you failed an important test
As a young adult I was lucky to make a lot of friends who were 15+ years older and firmly beyond caring about the flavor of the month, who liked the same obscure stuff as me, and were a calm harbor during my various youthful disasters — that’s something I forever want to pay forward
This is basically every millennial I know.
Ragging on succeeding generations is a tradition at least as old as the ancient Greeks - who may have simply been the first to write about it
The same thing happened with Gen Xers and millennials. It’s a cycle.
I'm well into my 40s now and it was such a relief the day I woke up and realized that I cannot be cool anymore, and that I should focus on being warm.
Cardigans and thick socks FTW
I was told in library school 20+ years ago, "You're not going to be cool. Just accept that." They were mostly directing this to librarians working with teens, which is not my focus. I've always thought sincerity works best.
I tried this and apparently now I'm retro and vintage, what the fuck kids
The hip-hop people invented "old school" as a positive descriptor, and I seriously thank them for it :-)
The hip-hop people? 🧐🤨🤔
You can't call them hip-hop people anymore, grandpa
I have no business with what the kids are doing These Days... but I wish they wouldn't do it dressed like my classmates from high school. No! Go invent something!
The first time I saw a fashion trend come round again, I was horrified. The worst I can recall was leg warmers. Why?! Signed, very Gen X
They seem to be speedrunning 80s/90s/00s. We've gone from leg warmers to ripped jeans to silver in a fraction of a generation.
I am both disturbed and amused by the fact that I probably still have old trash I wore as a teen that would make me trendy and cutting-edge if dug it out and wore it now. Assuming any of it still fits.
Oh. I just remembered luminous socks. Bad in the 80s, worse when repeated. Ripped jeans, I’m less bothered by. Also, flared jeans (earlier this year?) - less disturbing.
Flared jeans are fine... until it rains. I just remember damp wicking up the legs.
Knickers (I mean slightly bulbous trousers that cut off at the knees, Brits) were a thing in the early 80s. I kind of blocked it out for a bit.
Neolithic is pretty darn retro, Shep