
Strongly agree with this. I *loved* one of the earliest examples which was a bunch of dudes competing to draw the most perfect circle.
The "dudes rock" meme is a genuinely blessed addition to gender discourse. We've managed to make our positive model of masculinity something brand new. Overenthusiastic, enterprising, goofy, joyful, carefree, boisterous, camaraderie, all the qualities that we got scolded for in school.
I said it out loud, driving by a bunch of 20-somethings standing around drinking beer next to a truck on a busy street in the city and they all started laughing... I didn't realize the back window was down and they heard 🤠🤣
Men creating is the perfect counterbalance to all of the negativity around masculinity. Draw, paint, cook, build, and do it with friends.
This is one of many similar videos of dudes basically playing jenga with a kitchen faucet and a glass of water. I love these videos so much, just dudes rocking with some basic enjoyment of life.
Friends' Video of Water Cup Challenge Goes Four Icelandic men performing the water cup challenge that has become popular among TikTok users produced a tense battle of wills as each strived not to be t...
I recently taught a bunch of Cub Scouts how to use a map and compass and then we went on a treasure hunt for the wooden swords I had made them, it was incredibly rad
I remember that! It was so pure and sweet ♥️
My Calc I professor in college was way too proud of his ability to draw perfect circles on the chalkboard and it did not occur to me until now that this was a dudes rock moment. I will now reassess my entire life.
thats closer to zen meditation