Ryan Moulton

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Ryan Moulton


I wonder if the interest rates -> debt servicing -> fiscal policy path is ultimately a bigger lever than monetary policy is directly.
The basic choice on housing policy is "change or die" and so many places pick "die."
Can't really know the counterfactual, but I took Allegra and Pepcid twice daily, and got over the fever in 2-3 days. (Just the dosage on the box.) This seems unusually quick for my first time having covid, so tentative recommendation from me.
for no particular reason today it just seems like a really good time to repost that post I made rounding up the research that says the MCAS antihistamine protocol appear to help for both COVID prevention and for avoiding long COVID if you get it synecdochic.dreamwidth.org/805203.html
When I was a kid I learned that green potatoes are poisonous from a science book and was aghast that my parents didn't know. One of my clearest memories. My family still has the book. Kudos to 1980s Usborne for passing on important food safety knowledge that somehow the wider culture is failing at.
I think this version is a bit more accurate. Their stated goal is usually just to lose, and they often succeed at doing that.
I would vote for corpse Biden. I would vote for undead Biden. I would vote for someone possessed by the Hand of Biden which imbues the bearer with bonus cold damage and the spells finger of death, sleep, slow, and teleport.
First time. Apologies in advance if my posts get dumber.
If Christopher Alexander wrote about how to position a TV, he would say: Place the seats in a circle, with the TV outside of it. At least one chair must be facing away from the TV. You want the TV to feel like someone joining the circle of conversation from outside, not the focus of an interview.
The media you take of your kids' toddler years is all they will ever remember of it, which is very incongruous with how important that time feels.
Reposted byAvatar Ryan Moulton
If you think your immigrant neighbors aren't assimilating fast enough, this is what is known as a Skill Issue. Your BBQ is too weak. Your block parties are too rare. Your flags are too timid. You are not America-ing hard enough.
It's so weird going back east and seeing people dress up for work.
I wonder what a map would look like that used "fraction of variance explained" instead of absolute accuracy. This looks a lot like a map of where weather changes a lot.
How accurate is the weather forecast in your city? Niko Kommenda and I learned that NWS just began doing gridded assessments of forecast accuracy. We got the data and mapped of how many days into the future they get within 3°F of the observed high temp. www.washingtonpost.com/climate-envi...
"Swag team shirt from before the reorg, for sale, never worn."
I'm imagining the little recommendation engine inside of every music service getting really excited whenever you seed a playlist with a Chris Thile song that it can find 5 other bands to add, also featuring Chris Thile. "This will be perfect!"
The best reason to prefer that regulators resolve ambiguity rather than the courts is that regulators move (comparatively) quickly. If they make a mistake they can fix it next year. Bad court decisions can persist in perpetuity.
I feel like this for almost all memories. They feel like something that is still happening somewhere else.
our cat died a few months ago, and the strangest thing about dealing with death is that it doesn’t even feel like our cat stopped existing but more like it still exists in the part of spacetime that’s unreachable, like on a light cone diagram
Now that everybody wants to argue bitterly about forecasts of one-off events, there's never been a better time to learn about log-loss.
I still can't believe every American suburb bans commercial activity next to parks. What a huge waste.
Reposted byAvatar Ryan Moulton
I loved this and wanted to create a little comic for it. This is how I imagined the exchange going. I hope you like it @neilhimself.neilgaiman.com ☺️
"If you need me," said my 7 year old son, "I'll be in my mind."
You have to admire the ambition of the left-NIMBYs who think wealthy communities would support apartments in their neighborhood if only they had to pay the low-income residents' rent with their tax dollars.
Ryu's hadouken can be modeled as having constant watt-gallons, as its energy output increases inversely with the volume he compresses it to.
(I got a chuckle thinking of watt-gallons as a unit of measure and trying to imagine the physical system it could describe.)
Ugh, he was the load-bearing poster who kept me on here. I hope he comes back.
You all chased Paul Musgrave off here?
Markets are the only way to operationalize "let people enjoy things." Any other system requires an uninvolved third party's permission.
"AI is using all of our energy and water" is just an attempt to translate an aesthetic revulsion into a common unit of measure. It's "I don't like this" expressed in watt-gallons.
This is why the people who follow politics, especially as a hobby, are so bad at politics. xkcd.com/2501/
I think a lot of politicians and political reporters think "low info voter" is like someone who isn't following congressional budget negotiations when actual low-info voters are like "guy who thinks the president appoints the NFL commissioner and are mad at him for suspending a player on their team"
Joe Biden after his third State of the Union cocktail.
As a principled left-democrat I believe that Dark Brandon Serum is real, good, and that its price should be capped at $35
Reposted byAvatar Ryan Moulton
One cool thing about AI I guess is that we're getting some hard out-in-the-open proof that foreign disinformation operations are, in fact, a real thing