
Yup. Lots of people pointing out obviously this would be weaponized against LGBTQ folks. But also it just fundamentally bristles with a hostility towards privacy and freedom that runs through the entire project.
And, their definition of "porn" includes acknowledging the existence of trans people.
Scary stuff, to be sure!
Basically the police could raid your house whenever they feel like it under suspicion of possessing pornography and all the evidence they'd need is you're an adult.
We're sorry but we believe you watch porn on that big expensive TV you have, so we're taking that and oh you may be having sex and filming it in the back of your car, so we're taking.. In fact, we're taking your entire house.
For y'know... Increasing the police pension fund or something with seizures... Can't have you doing anything that might consider to be porn making. Having a smart phone with camera is enough to go. "You make porn on suspicion so we're taking all your stuff."
Just replace drugs with porn. "I don't believe you make enough to buy this..." Then take it. This will happen to others outside of LGBT+ community here, give them more seizure powers and you find out eventually.
This self-replicating Gordian knot is going to choke us to death and decapitation.
We are all being monitored by Mike Johnson’s kid.
Synecdoche, New Budapest
“Freedom for me, brutal repression for thee.” — modern conservative philosophy
Frank Wilhoit never meant to call concrete embodiment of his observation into existence.
Interview some historians of 19th c American religion about this project 2025 stuff, they will be able to draw a line straight from a particularly virulent form of klan-adjacent protestantism to this document.
You could do a "Daisy" ad for every section of the report.
My bet is the porn industry is more active in bible belt areas. Those people have no idea what they're voting for.
A lot of them probably hope that Someone Else will take control and make them give up their filthy habit. At least, that's what they are hoping right now.
Could be. I just know when I drove from CA to TN, I saw more billboards for strip joints and adult stores across TX and OK (bible in every classroom) than anywhere.
As drugs become legal, you need another commonly used vice to make illegal so you can target the users your political coalition demands. I would be shocked if law enforcement wasn’t explicitly behind the push to criminalize menthol cigarettes.
Menthol, because that's associated with Black smokers. But the beauty of an anti-porn law is, as a justice once remarked, an LEO can't define it but will know it when he sees it. Arrests will be almost entirely pretextual.
Porn is also acceptable to push into the black market. The big players in liquor and gambling are already at the table. Porn isn’t and isn’t nearly as lucrative.
Next year we may be celebrating the defeat of the MAGAs rather than the British! Happy July 4th.
Given that states grant rights where the federal government takes them away, there’s going to be a conflict at some point which will require the suspension of the constitution. That also means the suspension of law an order. A free for all. One states citizens fighting another and perhaps Fed troops
very cool how the sitting president has the power to stop this in its tracks, but will instead hold the entire country hostage for the sake of his ego
Hostility towards privacy and freedom is very on brand for fascists.
Has Ari Cohn said anything about this or is he still keeping his head in the sand?
It's just another excuse to use the law against people they don't like in any respect and let it slide against their friends. Going to be a whole lot of shit like this if we give them a chance
I kind of think this won't play so well with their target demo.