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The fox of mega bland, 31, autistic, gay, he/him.

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The number of people who have replied to either argue or bemoan that “MAGA doesn’t care” like that’s the voting bloc we have to mobilize is going to make my brain melt out my ears like taffy on a warm summer’s day
“They want to eliminate national parks” is a very simple way to get just about anyone on the Stop Project 2025 train. Are there much more glaring and life-threatening goals of P25? Yes but even your most bigoted cousin does not want to see the parks system sold for parts.
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Always loved Schnauzers but strangely never drew one
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In general a fixation on purity and motives is a privilege of not actually needing to care about the material effects of an action
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they're so steeped in "silent majority" copium that they can't accept being rebuffed by a plurality of society. that's why they have conspiracy theories about every popular vote loss
There is particular power in such an ideologically diverse coalition rejecting the French right because fascists should be reminded often that they’re repugnant to a broad swath of society, not just getting outmaneuvered by the wily left
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If our situation was hopeless, the NYT's propaganda wouldn't be nesseccary
Well, that's kind of a pleasant surprise.
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“They want to eliminate national parks” is a very simple way to get just about anyone on the Stop Project 2025 train. Are there much more glaring and life-threatening goals of P25? Yes but even your most bigoted cousin does not want to see the parks system sold for parts.
This!! Start with “they want to end no fault divorce, sell national parks, and ban porn” end with tax structure.
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Kitty do a perch 🐱 📸: 🪡: Fursuits by Lacy
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Republicans knew Reagan was leaking brain goo everywhere and supported him anyway. Same with Bush Jr.’s low mental performance. Republicans will never care that their kings are mad, they just want their king.
If Biden said something like this it would spell the end of not only his campaign but his current tenure. It's just one of countless examples of insane gibberish from Trump that the press & Democrats are choosing to treat as an immutable part of the electoral landscape rather than a story or issue.
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All I'm saying is that The Gays sorted this out years ago, and all it took was some differently-colored handkerchiefs.
hotfix male. release candidate male. shovelware male
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Gen Z "rediscovered" grunge and started walking around in outfits straight out of my high school years so I don't want to hear shit from them quite frankly.
Some Millennials in my timeline are insecure because Gen Zs are telling them their ankle socks age them. I can't stress enough that you don't need to care about what a bunch of 20-somethings think about your clothes, mainly bc you don't have to care about what ANYONE thinks about your clothes.
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Difficulty in games is an accessibility issue. Both physical and mental in some cases. People should be able to choose if something is harder, but they should also be able to enjoy the story without hurting themselves. Both are valid.
A lot of chronic health issues physical and mental cause fatigue and lack of energy. Not getting into losing range of motion and pain. Stop and think before using Lazy.
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You see it within MMOs Content that someone got 10 years ago and any hint of it being available to get in an easy way and it brings out some of the worst gamers ever going. "NO YOU CAN'T DO THAT! I WORKED HARD TO GET THAT!"
It's their mindset of "I can only achieve this and no one else EVER!" Like who gives a damn? There's a lot of self entitlement that goes on within videogamers and it's not a good look really. Quite pathetic to be quite honest.
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Everyone really got into a minimalist, Apple approach to style and it made functionality into crap. Why is my scrollbar two pixels wide? Who thought that was a good idea?
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I am doing a lot better with the anxiety of public restrooms NOW than even when I made this strip 2 years ago. (In spite of the political climate continuing to worsen.) I still get shitty looks from time to time, and I am always AWARE of them, and my surroundings. But I manage my anxiety better now.
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My computer has finally bought the farm. Rest well old friend, sleep the sleep of kings.
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Chemistree ⚛️🧪
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Hey Famous Men, Try Engaging in Age-Appropriate Relationships with Even Power Dynamics challenge 2k24
Well my streaming ambitions are strangled. My computer has served me well for six long years and now it's feeling the call of the great server room in the sky. There's a backup I can buy before the old rig gives up the ghost.
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Also tomorrow in the New York Times, Bill Cosby on “Why It’s Paranoid To Watch Your Drink Carefully In Bars”
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In Idaho, children can be forced to carry pregnancies to term even if caused by adults... but can't go to the library without being *checks notes* accompanied by adults.
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This is exactly why they're packaging it into other products and forcing us to adopt it (copilot, Gemini, meta), if they make it omnipresent they don't have to tell us what it does, we'll come to expect it
About halfway through, Ed hits on a point that I've been hammering on since the AI boom started: why should anyone care about this? There is no reason for the average consumer to adopt this technology.
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Yup. Lots of people pointing out obviously this would be weaponized against LGBTQ folks. But also it just fundamentally bristles with a hostility towards privacy and freedom that runs through the entire project.
And, their definition of "porn" includes acknowledging the existence of trans people.
The modern struggle of needing to pee but I have a dog sleeping on my lap.