
JUDGE: “Surely this fourteenth warning will cause the man to see the errors of his way and respect the rule of law.” LARGE ORANGE DEFENDANT: “I will throw your child down an elevator shaft. I will kill your dog then cook it well done and eat it.” JUDGE: sadly writing a fifteenth warning
Meanwhile in a neighboring courtroom "the spot of dirt on the defendant's shackles offend the court and are blatant disrespect for the court and judge, sentencing the defendant to 30 days in jail and a 100k fine for contempt"
The judge hasn't ruled on this yet! The prosecution has to bring a complaint when back in session (tomorrow) and then they have to schedule a hearing on the violations (prob Monday) then judge rules (Tues earliest). He can't just send Orange to jail because he saw something on TV
He also can't act rashly or risk being overturned on appeal (see Weinstein) but he's taken firm steps up til now and the last one basically said "Do it again and jail" - it just had to go through the process. That said, he's like 1-2 weeks from a guilty verdict anyways
Blaming the judge doesn't help - it's actually exactly what Orange Defendant wants, to erode faith in the legal system that is finally bringing him to justice
Any other criminal defendant would have been jailed after the second, third, or even fourth previous contempt, so yes, I will blame the judge for upholding a different standard of justice
There's been 2 complaints heard, and the 2nd was for violations between filing and ruling on the first, so really he's issued one order of fines and an "Oh these too violations" and he specifically noted "fines don't seem to work, jail is very much on the table next time"
Contempt isn't self executing and the prosecution needs to bring a complaint. It's debatable if it is even worth it for them to do so given how close to the end of the trial we are. As much as I want to see him in Jail, a few extra days don't matter compared to years when convicted.
I’ll bet you $1000 his 11th contempt charge doesn’t cop a custodial sentence.
Having half the country in your corner, a half that has already shown a willingness to commit violence on your behalf, has an odd tendency to blunt any profiles in courage.
He doesn’t have half. He has 32% that consistently turn out to vote.
JUDGE, internally: **well THAT will show HIM!**
Damn Garfield is on some fucked up shit
Judges are all waiting until a MAGA loon actually kills one of their children before maybe taking threats seriously. Everyone thinks this cult will hurt lots of people, but not them, never them.
Ah but Trump has gotten GOP lackeys like Johnson to do it for him side-stepping the gag order with his goosesteppers.
trump? this is obviously about lorax
I feel like after a certain amount of violations, the court should just reach a guilty verdict by default and sentence him to solitary confinement. Forget jail, just throw him in a cell by himself and let him rot.
It doesn’t work with children in teaching or when you’re parenting so I doubt it would work with the large orange baby
The orange idiot probably would indeed do that.
Cheesus WANTS to go to jail. Think of the fundraising! #OrangeCriminal
They aren't going to, if they wete they would have done it already, if you or I did half the shit he has, we would be locked up without question, its a circus to keep him around as s threat.