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earworm wrangler
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Folks, I may have a PhD in history-including US politics history-but the last several years I’ve been working in public health as a science writer. One of my areas of focus is Aging, including Alzheimer’s and related dementias (AD/RD). I find the discourse around Biden really troubling.
Wickson picked the tunes today. (Hard to read: display says Duran Duran — Hungry Like The Wolf)
It should be noted that the Fairgrounds are less than 3 miles away from the U of M Midway Medical Center, for those of you willing to play the odds with the plethora of fried foods and your arteries.
The Ham and Pickle Roll-Up (Midwest Sushi) on a Potato Skin is an emotional favorite to me, but my God I'd eat my way to an ICU at that Fair. I'm jealous, but also relieved, that it's hours away from me. And "Raging Ball"! 😄
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"Final mile" logistics is a hot topic in consumer delivery optimization. Based on observation, the current industry practice is: 1) Ship from main warehouse to local distribution center 2) Deliver to arbitrary nearby address 3) Recipient posts on Nextdoor looking for owner 4) Success, we hope
Don't read this if you're hungry. Or, maybe be sure to read this if you are hungry. Or just read it despite your hunger level. I'm not the boss of you.
For real though, the list of the new foods at the MN State Fair just dropped and you should absolutely use it as a little distraction today because there's some GOOD STUFF here
New Foods for
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Happy Mona Monday from the queen of snoozles herself
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Everything else aside, can I just say how freaking jealous I am that they announced elections, held "primaries," and elected their government all in a MONTH. Our goddamn presidential campaigns have been going on for almost TWO YEARS.
BREAKING NEWS: Voters turned out in numbers not seen in decades to stop the far-right National Rally from taking power in the French National Assembly. Polls predicted a first-place finish for National Rally, which instead came in third in initial results as polling stations closed.
Projections in France's election show voters rejecting the far Voters turned out in numbers not seen in decades to stop the far-right National Rally from taking power in the French National Assembly. Polls predicted a first-place finish for National Rally, which ...
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Somebody decided this tennis ball was no longer allowed to exist in this house… (Both dogs are suspects, since this is Wickson’s ball and he likes to chew vigorously on them, but Mona really enjoys scalping tennis balls for some reason)
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The best Wickson derp faces, so far
Do I need to refer to Wickson as a black and white dog now?
WARNING: warm weather may result in a sudden deflation of your canines
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Goodnight from Wickson and Mona 💤
Is it good when your bullpen gives up 10 runs in the last 4 innings? Asking for a local baseball team.
It’s the Fourth of July weekend so obviously instead of wearing the traditional red, white, and blue team colors, they’ve chosen to wear the blue and yellow second rate softball uniforms. Regardless: Win! Twins!
It’s the Fourth of July weekend so obviously instead of wearing the traditional red, white, and blue team colors, they’ve chosen to wear the blue and yellow second rate softball uniforms. Regardless: Win! Twins!
One more bit before we go to the Twins game… Our local farmers market sells a variety of pet stuff. (More on that later!) found the perfect tag for Wickson. Call it fate, karma, or serendipity, but it matched his existing name tag and expresses his personality perfectly.
Back. Short trip since it was hot. Walk to the dog park, one lap around, lie in the shade, walk back. In between is the unmowed edge of the sports fields. Wickson running through the weeds is like dragging a Swiffer through a pile of ticks. (We refer to them as Wickson’s Tick Sons) From today:
OK will post more later, but Mona and Wickson are now celebrating this announcement by insisting on a trip to the dog park, and when I get back, it’s time for humans to go to the baseball park, so will be out for a while. Thanks for all the well wishes, everyone!
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OK will post more later, but Mona and Wickson are now celebrating this announcement by insisting on a trip to the dog park, and when I get back, it’s time for humans to go to the baseball park, so will be out for a while. Thanks for all the well wishes, everyone!
By the way, I think one of the reasons Wickson decided he liked it here is that about a week after we started hosting him, he nabbed an inch+ thick steak of the counter that had just come out of the sous vide and that thing was gone in about 2 seconds.
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Having a sibling is hard
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For everyone to enjoy!
Also, kudos to my daughter for also keeping this under wraps. She’s been a sport b/c she has a great picture of herself w/ Wickson she wants to make her profile picture on some of her socials. (The funny thing is that her current Discord profile is with Wickson’s brother Ashmead)
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A few days ago it was really hot when we were at the park so Mona and Wickson snoozled together in the shade under a picnic table
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Blair, Wickson is trying his chops as a lead dog. This little Pomeranian followed him for two laps around the dog park a couple days ago.
Since my phone is blowing up, I guess the news has officially dropped. Queen Mona now has a court jester. A few of you may recognize him.
Thunderstorms vs Fireworks: The dog equivalent of Alien vs Predator
The only response he should give to this is to sit politely and quietly while all the Dem governors go off. When they stop talking, ask them if they're done. When they say yes, respond "Good, now get the hell back to work" and then leave the room.
President Biden plans to speak with congressional leaders and meet with Democratic governors this afternoon as he and aides seek to tamp down Democratic angst over his debate performance. Follow live updates:
Elections 2024 latest news: Biden acknowledges he ‘didn’t have my best debate night’ Live updates from the 2024 campaign trail, with the latest news on presidential candidates, polls, primaries and more.
Not only is the concept of the cat tour pretty funny (and fun!) but is both an entertaining and informative read that shows how covering local politics should be done.
About a dozen people showed up for the impromptu cat tour, led by John Edwards, who organizes the yearly event, seven years ago. Over a two-mile walk, the group stopped to see some 20 cats peeking through their windows. Now, hundreds of people attend.
Minneapolis cat tour started as joke, now draws hundreds of “I love to do weird, goofy stuff like this,” said John Edwards, who organizes the yearly event.
Minnesota was right. (And they’re also right about Duck Duck Grey Duck vs Duck Duck Goose, which has a similar map)
Friendly reminder that Ronald Reagan was called senile so often it became a running gag on SNL and the late night shows. He then won 49 of 50 states in the 1984 election.