
Remind me again who the first American Revolution was fighting against?
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court presidential immunity ruling: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be"
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court immunity decision: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution"
Although I’ll give him this - the current DNC national strategy of Doing Things The Way They’ve Always Been Done while ignoring the irregular attacks ripping away their supply lines bears some remarkable similarities to lines of gentlemen in red coats marching through a forest.
America has a long tradition of Grunts 'n' Crafts that's, if not respected, at least watched from a distance with popcorn. Becoming as hidebound as the English certainly wasn't expected.
Ends up no matter how rebellious we are as children, eventually we turn out like our parents
These are the same assholes who watch Star Wars and think they're the Rebels.
Like very literally, their brains never have a contextual thought. They watch Star Wars and Matrix and LotR and GoT and they just finished Destiny and all they see is *the screen*. They make no connections to anything human in any way. They just…don’t. Not possible. And they’re writing our AIs.
And the ones who aren't writing it, are the ones who believe everything ti outputs as gospel too. 🤷‍♂️
It wasn't really much of a revolution. It was more of a change in management from British aristocracy to American bourgeoisie. 🤔
from the divine right of kings to the divine right of capitalism
Royalists. Which is what Conservatives have been from the beginning of the country. This faction of our populace was never comfortable with us ridding ourselves of a King, because they’re all a bunch of bottoms, who want to be ruled. They’re not adult enough to govern themselves.
People who have universal Healthcare now lol