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raised on promises
retired Teamster
soy un vochero
6:45 and apparently some still had some fireworks left
Reposted byAvatar prolelife
Your 'moment of doom' for July 7, 2024 ~ Collapse is here. "A human's maximum tolerance to a wet bulb temperature is 35°C for six hours, however, NASA has recorded numerous occurrences exceeding this value, mainly in Pakistan and the Persian Gulf."
Climate collapse: NASA points to risk of lethal heat in different regions on NASA predicts that regions of the planet will become uninhabitable in the next 50 years because of rising temperatures.
seems like the only people left with a positive outlook on the present are the ones awaiting the Rapture
log on here: folks blocking their moots log on to x: folks blocking their moots
owls are luckier than americans they have a parliament
can't make time run backwards but staying in the now seems to make it run more slowly
the Second Thomas Shoal seems an odd place for a world war to start
Reposted byAvatar prolelife
Reposted byAvatar prolelife
Reposted byAvatar prolelife
Blocking numbers that won't stop calling me without leaving a message and are not publicly connected to a legitimate business.
Reposted byAvatar prolelife
Reposted byAvatar prolelife
Decided just now to start rereading Hitchhikers Guide for the first time in many years and uh
Reposted byAvatar prolelife
The overarching turn to the right, whereby whatever people think are Labour in the UK or Democrats in the US, neither are progressive or left. They constitute the right-wing capitalist colonial empire that runs the world. Hence the desperate need for radical progressive politics now
a three part rant on why we are where we are now
the national security state was born in 1948 with the creation of the CIA. by the mid 50s they realized that if you could sell laundry detergent with subliminal advertising you could sell anything, politicians and political systems,ideas and propaganda, popular culture and public opinion, everything
as we take this day to remember our glorious revolution let us consider where it has led and resolve to do better the next time
a crown just came off one of my wife's implants (when I was a teamster we had dental insurance)
the national security state was born in 1948 with the creation of the CIA. by the mid 50s they realized that if you could sell laundry detergent with subliminal advertising you could sell anything, politicians and political systems,ideas and propaganda, popular culture and public opinion, everything
the garbage trucks are in the neighborhood I thought for sure those guys would have the day off jfc got the bin out just in time it aint a f'n holiday if ypu gotta go to work shithole country second cup of coffee post
if they put us all in camps who's going to buy the products of prison labor?
I wake up every morning realizing once again that they were killing palestinian kids while I slept. if you think that some titillating details of trump's depravity is gonna distract me from that you are delusional
Reposted byAvatar prolelife
sometimes it is wiser, even when given the perfect set-up, to not post the punch-line
somebody was rude to me on social media: cop a resentment and then nurture the fuck out of it 'til I rot inside, that'll f'n show them fts block 'em, look for a lesson in it, and move on. take care of yourself resentment is soul poison
Reposted byAvatar prolelife
Already feels bad, like the Trump years did, when there was no way to escape knowing horrible new things multiple times a day
Reposted byAvatar prolelife
here in america resentments grow like the grasses in spring
internet's been winking in and most of the day just posting between the outages way too hot to go out in the yard for more than a few minutes at a time
hot one here today, the sweet pea pods are popping like popcorn