
She annoys the transphobes and the right-wing press and seems to be much better at not using dog whistles compared to most labour front benches, but OTOH she seems to think you need a GRC to use a loo, so...
I'll take "heart in the right place but a bit wonky on the detail" over the opposite any day. It'd be slightly more alarming if it had been her brief in opposition and had that misconception (and it really stands out that she's one of the few to be covering a new brief).
that's good. I googled 'bridget phillipson trans' and she seemed ok but I was ready for her to have said something terrible.
Is it a typo/mistake? Or are they planning to split the role somehow?
I don't know, but I doubt it since Phillipson is described as the Minister for Women and Equalities, and Dodds is the Minister of State for Women and Equalities, so in her dept. and under her, but she will attend cabinet