Joanna 🏳️‍⚧️🪐

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Joanna 🏳️‍⚧️🪐

6'2" trans lesbian gigantress studying space science (18+, minors DNI) 💍 she/her
you never need to debate transphobes. tell them to shut the fuck up. shout them down, they're not listening to you. show other people who they are and why they're transphobic. ✨ it's ok to bully transphobes ✨
Guess who got an appointment letter for Nottingham GIC 5 days before her first private appointment with Harley Street Gender Clinic?
Selfie to document how good my hair is tonight
lotta cis people think we just throw on dresses and prance around bathrooms. They don’t realize that something as simple as your family still wanting you around is a massive luxury for us. that’s what we mean when we say cis privilege. They take for granted what we rarely have access to
I might well mention this more often, since it flatly contradicts the entire AGP narrative. I’ve been turned on both by the idea of being a woman *and* of being a man - does that mean I’m neither? Or is human sexuality far more complex than Blanchard et. al. seem to think?
It may sound contradictory, but I also got turned on by my masculine features when I still had them (like my musculature and chest hair) despite not really liking them! As far as I know this makes me unique among transfem people
My transition got delayed my almost a decade solely from getting taken in by this internalised bullshit
I spent the longest-ass time fully accepting points 3 and 4 (for other people at least) while fully ignoring the rest, especially 1 and 2
I spent the longest-ass time fully accepting points 3 and 4 (for other people at least) while fully ignoring the rest, especially 1 and 2
A friend of mine has 8 magic sentences 1. Wondering if you're trans is pretty fucking trans. 2. Cis people don't spend all their time wondering if they're trans. 3. HRT is magic. 4. The only treatment that works for being trans is transition. 5. Repression and denial do not work.
That said, my hatred of diesel engines is motivated to a small extent by the depiction of “dirty diesels” in the Thomas & Friends TV show I watched as a toddler lol
IMO the invention of the diesel engine was a huge mistake. We could’ve had marine engines go from steam turbines powered by oil or coal straight to steam turbines powered by nuclear reactors. And straight from steam locomotives to electric trains
IMO the invention of the diesel engine was a huge mistake. We could’ve had marine engines go from steam turbines powered by oil or coal straight to steam turbines powered by nuclear reactors. And straight from steam locomotives to electric trains
Yep. We could've had nuclear boats amongst plenty of other usage by now. But nope, it's as a scary thing as it was decades ago because of the 1% decreeing its unsafeness while causing the unsafe probelms (always due to poor procedure following cause of said corner cuts)
In the end all the cis people’s pearlclutching and telling trans people to quiet down and watch our tone they really are really telling on themselves they don’t actually take our plight seriously
The problem with cis people not understanding what it's like to be trans isn't that everyone should have to know, it's that cis people are the ones making decisions about our rights and healthcare and also can't seem to take what we say at face value.
My general feeling on shoplifting is, if you think that it's the biggest problem in the UK or any of your concern then you should get some real problems.
As bad as the transphobia on here is getting, in my view it’s nowhere near as bad as the other app until I have random trolls posting “ur a man” or “nice jawline mate” every single time I post a selfie. They may be trolls but that shit still hurts
If this had happened a year ago, I’d be fucked
Just learned that Sk:n Clinics, one of the biggest laser hair removal providers in the UK, have gone into administration. Really hope that my beard shadow doesn’t come back 😞
Just learned that Sk:n Clinics, one of the biggest laser hair removal providers in the UK, have gone into administration. Really hope that my beard shadow doesn’t come back 😞
Once again saying that the gender recognition certificate needs to be abolished
🧵Why Are All The Trans Women Horny I wanted to make this thread because it's a question I see posed all the time, basically framing trans women as sex obsessed and saying that is the problem. I'd like to address it calmly and factually because it's actually pretty interesting! And you should read
Observed a discourse from a distance that to my mind boils down to: journalist believes they must be a journalist and is affronted by the idea of doing something else. To which I'd say, lots of us have had to do jobs we didn't want to why are you so fucking special?
It's London trans pride on 27 July. If you're horrified by Streeting's avowed intent to make the puberty blocker ban permanent, please step up and show it. There are a lot more of us cis folk than trans folk; we all need to use our voices and platforms. #PubertyBlockers
hot take but i wish people respected trans women more
i'm sorry but if your argument is "republicans aren't listening to the new york times about trans people" you are just lying. they keep citing it in their fucking bills
Enough trans wallowing now give me your trans joy
Enough trans wallowing now give me your trans joy (Re-upped with some Alt text for clarity.)
Number of trans kids who committed suicide in the UK before Tories introduced the ban on puberty blockers in 2020: 1 Number of trans kids who have committed suicide since the ban: SIXTEEN Yet Streeting wants to keep the ban. Why? Because killing trans kids makes him feel like a Big Strong Boy
cis people who are worth your time dont need you agreeing with them to respect you
i don't want to name any tgirls in particular, but if you are a recently-out trans woman and you're still finding your place in the world, i need you to understand that trying to be One Of The Good Ones to cis people who hate you will not end well for you. you are worth more than that. love yourself
You could say that I’ve developed an unhealthy fixation on an alternate reality in which I prevent myself from becoming 6’4” with a massive jawline and hands, which gets triggered every time stuff about PBs comes up. And I don’t want any more trans kids going through all this
Re: Labour’s decision to extend the ban on puberty blockers No evidence for their safety and efficacy? How about 30 years of continuous usage in treating trans kids? Hell they were available for me when I was 12 if only I'd known about them 😞
Re: Labour’s decision to extend the ban on puberty blockers No evidence for their safety and efficacy? How about 30 years of continuous usage in treating trans kids? Hell they were available for me when I was 12 if only I'd known about them 😞
Friendly reminder (based on an off hand comment someone made unrelated to me), you are allowed to be masculine if you are a girl, and you are allowed to be feminine if you are a boy, so as much as people talk about "male socialisation" it means fuck all, because any other girl is allowed to be such.