
Every day there's another headline about Mississippi, I think back to the time I called it a "deeply messed up place" on Twitter (I think after news broke about a vicious cop gang), and a local editor was like, "uhhh miss me with that regional privilege."
"according to a recording reviewed by The Post, Dobbins assured Hooker he would cover for him if Hooker killed 'in cold blood.' Dobbins used the n-word and a homophobic slur, bragged that he’d killed 13 people in his career,"
She took on a small Mississippi town’s police. Then they arrested How civil rights lawyer Jill Collen Jefferson convinced the Justice Department to investigate allegedly racist and abusive policing in tiny Lexington, Miss.
Part of the issue here is small-town Mississippi police setting up illegal roadblocks in certain neighborhoods (you'll never guess which ones!). I wrote about similar cases in Madison County, MS several years ago
A Mississippi County Has Agreed To Stop Using Illegal Roadblocks in Black A 2017 <i>Reason</i> investigation found that black residents in Madison County felt under siege in their own neighborhoods.
I've done reporting in and about Mississippi for 20 years. I've met some incredibly kind, principled, and genuine people there. It's also a deeply fucked up place.
(as most of the kind, principled, and genuine people will tell you)
Not for nothing that García Márquez saw that Mississippi was a lot like his Macondo
shout out to Phil Ochs for "Here's To The State Of Mississippi." a diss track for the ages
I grew up in the New Orleans area and had lots of friends & relatives in Mississippi. It is indeed a deeply fucked-up place.
Yeah, it's a "nice folks, shame about your government" situation. If there's a state where government is more malicious and citizens have less recourse, I haven't seen it. I once ended up sitting at a Madison bar next to a lawyer who did capital defense work, because things are funny like that.
Mississippi: the Cut-Off-Your-Nose-To-Spite-Your-Face State
You could say the same for Texas.
Every state that sucks on the macro level has a lot of really cool people in it. Like, the minorities who are being oppressed aren’t, on the whole, dickweeds
In a parallel universe Congress would place it and three other states in receivership to rebuild their governments and provide their citizens every right (formerly) guaranteed by the Constitution.
We did, after the Civil War. Then we just sort of gave up.