Anthony Moser

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Anthony Moser

(He/Him) Folk Technologist • [email protected] • N4EJ • • baker in The FOIA Bakery • • quick network graphs • •
by request of the mayor
City council will not allow city council to consult city council's lawyers during city council meetings
City council will not allow city council to consult city council's lawyers during city council meetings
On a 18-24 vote, City Council rejects a resolution that would have allowed them to consult with their own LRB lawyers on the floor during deliberations. At least a temporary victory for the Johnson administration, which worked hard to stop this move towards more independence.
And on the pedestal, these words appear: My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings type this URL, ye mighty and despair! 404 File Not Found
a lady came in and asked if she could put a bitly url on a headstone and we were like. i guess there's no rule against i guess if that's really what you want to do
Reposted byAvatar Anthony Moser
There was lead in EVERY tampon they tested. There was less lead in organic tampons, but those had higher concentrations of arsenic. Also fun: It's 2024. This is the first ever study testing metals in tampons. Great. 🙃 Study:
Getting covid is like being hit with a baseball bat: the more it happens, the more it hurts
The new COVID variant seems to be evading immunity from vaccines and past infections. COVID cases are up 250% in NYC. Remember the more you get covid your risk for long covid increases significantly.
ok I'm not mad about software for bicycles anymore, now I'm mad about software for shoes
i don't know how much more direct they can be about their intentions
NEWS --> Mark Robinson, the MAGA extremist GOP nominee for governor in North Carolina, appeared to endorse political violence against unnamed foes in a recent speech. "Some folks need killing!" he shouted. "It's a matter of necessity!" Video and story here:
MAGA Gov Candidate’s Ugly, Hateful Rant: “Some Folks Need Killing!” Mark Robinson, the GOP nominee for governor in North Carolina, has a long history of incendiary comments. But he may have topped himself this time.
Reposted byAvatar Anthony Moser
looking at this web site makes me feel like I've been thinking too narrowly about what media/comms work looks like
biden in the the headline: he accepts he may have to step down biden in the article: i am running. i am the nominee. i'm not leaving, you can't make me
Breaking news: President Biden and his senior team said they accepted the grim ultimatum they’ve been hearing from almost all quarters of the Democratic Party — to demonstrate his fitness for office or face a significant effort to force him to step aside.
Biden and aides concede he needs to quickly demonstrate his fitness for Critics have been shaken by his relative inaction to directly address the panic ignited by his halting debate performance last Thursday.
Reposted byAvatar Anthony Moser
correct and: part of the reason we're in the situation we're in, and why it's taking some people by surprise, is it's not sunk in for many that no matter what happens in the white house, these guys will retain a base of power. they are operating under an apocalyptic paradigm that justifies anything
IDK kind of feels like we should be paying more attention to a prominent conservative think tank saying we're in the midst of a second american revolution that will remain bloodless as long as long as the left lets it be, then whether or not Biden should step down.
Watching the new season of star trek prodigy with the kids and paramount was so foolish to kick this off the platform
Reposted byAvatar Anthony Moser
Reposted byAvatar Anthony Moser
these people do not intend to ever lose power again
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court presidential immunity ruling: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be"
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court immunity decision: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution"
“For customers, fintech promised the best of both worlds: The innovation, ease of use and fun of the newest apps combined with the safety of government-backed accounts held at real banks.” But the “safety” part is proving to be a myth.
How thousands of Americans got caught in fintech’s false promise and lost access to bank The Synapse collapse has revealed fintech's promise of safety as a mirage. More than 100,000 Americans with $265 million in deposits were locked from accounts.
Being really annoying is praxis. Phone, email, fax, show up in person if that’s an option. Just don’t let up until you’re too irritating to ignore.
Reposted byAvatar Anthony Moser
If you are disappointed with how Senator Dick Durbin has handled Justice Thomas' corruption, Justice Alito's open insurrection, and how each of the other four conservative justices lied in their Senate Hearings, you can fax him for free to let him know how upset you are with him. Big, screechy fax. Send a fax to anywhere in the U.S. or Canada for free.
"Ceres doesn't have laws, it has police"
Police do what they want, whenever they want. “Crime” is what they say it is, “criminals” are who they say they are. Nothing about this is just or democratic.
Call them durbins
Establishment Democratic electeds - I don’t know what else you want to call them, normies, ignoramuses, whatev - are so woefully unsuited for this peculiar political moment that you can’t help but feel fatalistic. Is there no one in any position of power in this admin who will forgo the Old Norms?
Reposted byAvatar Anthony Moser
I buy for my family from (if you have kids, they have a variety of colorful options which I recommend) For myself, I wear a FloMask. Comfortable, durable, and the only thing I've found that doesn't fog up my glasses
haha fun fact kids haha good thing we have strong regulatory agencies in this country who can pass laws to protect us phew "According to the CDC, 60% of respirator masks sold in the U.S. are counterfeit"
COVID Is Surging Again. It's Time To Stock Up On Face With so many fake COVID face masks being sold online, it's important to pay attention to a few details when you order.
Face Masks | PPE | Face Coverings | Bona Fide Bona Fide Medical Masks™, part of Ball Chain Mfg. Co., Inc.'s LogoTags division, has one main objective: to help alleviate the shortage of masks and PPE.
Reposted byAvatar Anthony Moser
I have people saved in my phone like “Mary Landlord” and “Jim Maintenance” and it occurs to me that’s the way that Anglo surnames have always worked
Drop off laundry service is a goddamn miracle. it is skilled labor and I am grateful it exists
The other annoying thing about devtools is using them
What is annoying about devtools is that people have the idea (and are incentivized to believe) that you can always, always, always hide the complexity in a tool. Which is why we as a discipline build so much garbage that no one can migrate from.
Reposted byAvatar Anthony Moser
somebody confused "pride" for "shamelessness"
That shirt is certainly a choice
Uber for teens is a bus
Just got an ad that was like "tired of shuttling your kids to all their friends' houses and extracurriculars? Try Uber for Teens!" and hear me out but what if we just had good public transit instead
And there's a part two
Around 2019, Apple launched a new initiative they called “Zero Waste.” Apple proclaimed it'll reduce the amount of haz waste it sends to landfills (TSDFs) to Zero. Apple began reporting a new metric: % of waste “diverted” from landfills. You can probably see where this is going.
Reposted byAvatar Anthony Moser
I told US EPA I didn't want my whistleblowing about the fab to be anonymous, and instead, that if EPA shows up onsite to inspect the plant, when they do, please have the EPA cops tell Apple: "Ashley says hi." It looks like EPA did what I asked. 🔥