
When I say we're facing a crisis of autonomy this is it: Even high-profile people are fighting with tech for control over their own body and likeness, and that tech is very adjunct to the police and state and their combined surveillance apparatus and power to control individuals' bodies and futures
Scarlett Johansson has dealt with deepfakes, robots in her likeness, and now OpenAI mimicking her voice because she wouldn’t license it. She’s used to fighting these battles. The spotlight she casts on generative AI may finally prompt regulatory action.
Scarlett Johansson can’t escape tech OpenAI grabbing her voice is just the latest scandal that demands a regulatory response
I grew up in the 1980s I am deeply familiar with societal expectations of "You will be what society has decided you will be" based on your race, gender, class and parentage. It was what we Gen X had all that angst over. This is its vile offspring, w tech profiting off it and the state enabling it
We need regulation but we also need everyone to get into the fight and resist. Stop cooperating. Ask why they need that info. Ask questions they don't want to answer. Be the asshole they hate dealing with. You know the ol' 1960s "question authority" shit. Just stop be complicit in any way we can.
Thank you. I've been in Big Tech for ~20 years and I'm now disillusioned. We're just sleepwalking into this and blindly accepting all the touted benefits, yet we remain skeptical to the concerns that you've rightly pointed out. What's most horrifying: we're just in the infancy of this thing.
The US needs a right to be forgotten, limit & require 100% buy in from consumers on tracking, and stupid(ly) rich people to go away.
Nah fuck these tech bros into the fucking sun. If you pair it all back it’s simple. She said no. They continued anyway.