Christopher Robichaud

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Christopher Robichaud

Senior Lecturer in Ethics and Public Policy, Harvard Kennedy School
Never a dull moment here at Harvard.
My home state of Ohio broke my heart last year with Vance, but tonight I am happy to celebrate it making the right choice by enshrining pro-choice into its constitution. And this despite the GOP trying every dirty trick it could to keep that from happening. Thank you, Ohio.
I come from rural northeast Ohio. Here's a sentiment I've heard expressed by friends/family who voted Trump in 16 and Biden in 20: they found Trump more entertaining than damaging and they loved the economy under him, until Covid. Biden was chosen because Trump seemed ill-suited to manage it. 1/
The new Times poll should be a blaring wake-up call for Dems. Whether it’s warranted or not, Biden is simply not popular enough to beat Trump, and despite the Times thinking Joe has plenty of time to turn it around, I disagree. He needs to withdraw from running in ‘24 and we need a robust primary.
This. The only thing "refreshing" about Johnson gaining the Speakership is that the full extent of the GOP's embrace of far right extremism is no longer relegated to the fringe, where folks could deny its prominence or potency. It's now front and center in HD and Dolby Surround Sound where available
Is everyone finally accepting that Mike Johnson IS THE GOP, not a weird outlier?
An obvious point but it bears repeating: Claiming that it's the price of freedom to live under constant threat of mass public slaughter or of knowing someone so-slaughtered is morally perverse. In no way can our culture be characterized as free while constrained by these malignant conditions.
North Carolina’s descent in one-party rule today deserves as much attention as Mike Johnson’s past. We’re talking about a state of 11 million suddenly having an election-proof GOP government.
This is a great choice. Whitaker has his task cut out for him. Our redundancy system has saved us on many occasions, but it only works if at least one part of that system actually functions properly. When no part does, well...we've had some, um, really close calls of late. Like really, really close.
The Senate on Tuesday confirmed Michael Whitaker, a former Obama administration official, to lead the Federal Aviation Administration, filling a key vacancy that had persisted for more than 18 months.
Senate Confirms Biden’s Nominee to Lead the Michael G. Whitaker, who received bipartisan support, faces the challenge of stabilizing an agency that had been without a permanent leader for more than a year and a half.
To lose one Speaker may regarded as a misfortune. To lose four looks like carelessness.
The Center for Public Leadership at the Harvard Kennedy School is developing an online course on climate leadership that aims to build skills for substantive action on this front. I'm faculty lead on the project. It weds climate ethics with leadership, negotiation and organizing theory.
One unexpected thing in my qualitative study w natural scientists (one-hour interviews) is how deeply, deeply sad the climate scientists are. They say things like "you have enough information from us, why won't anyone act?" -- the psychological distress these people are enduring is very great.
Here to talk politics and philosophy.
End of feed.