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joe biden go on between two ferns
Reposted byAvatar peter
I was watching the CCNY instagram live feed and they filmed riot cops badge numbers and viewers looked up and shared their complaints/settlements history then asked the cops face to face about it I'm fucking dying
honestly a little spoiled by this office view
Reposted byAvatar peter
2024 and every useful website is pivoting to this
Reposted byAvatar peter
This stranger I disagree with on the internet is trying to get Trump reelected by venting about Joe Biden on a niche microblogging site. I am very serious and know a lot about political messaging and voter engagement. That is why I belittle them to earn their vote and persuade their followers.
Reposted byAvatar peter
Extremely vivid stress dream about apartment hunting and finding a place that was big and also sort of reasonably priced and getting into an argument with my girlfriend about not wanting to rent it because the previous tenant’s flayed skin was found crammed between the walls
flawless protest signs in the space germans anime
when i see the mayors of new york doing stupid shit everywhere constantly, i simultaneously hate them, do not understand how they got like that, and am also proud of them for being just incredible, off-the-charts little freaks
Tweet by lmao
Reposted byAvatar peter
I love Alan Watts but it's so funny whenever he talks about relationships because he's clearly referencing his own shortcomings and arguments in a way that makes him look cool and whimsical instead of just a difficult person to be in a relationship with
the queen’s new line has deprived me of hearing the lady say “cockfosters”
sup where’s the shitposting going on
End of feed.