Cliff Elliott

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Cliff Elliott

Move purposefully and fix things | Optimist

These taste like if someone made mango habanero wings smoked over post oak from Fukushima
I saw the bag as I rounded the corner and just knew I had to have them.
Reposted byAvatar Cliff Elliott
It really is a weird symmetry that this year the UK elections are the 4th of July and the US elections are the 5th of November.
Chicken soup for the summer COVID soul
Two things that aren’t supposed to happen on early July: CMS official releases and catching a virus that has me shivering under two comforters.
Two things that aren’t supposed to happen on early July: CMS official releases and catching a virus that has me shivering under two comforters.
Using MOVIE as an acronym, recommend 5 films: Meet the Parents One Hour Photo Vanilla Sky Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade Edge of Tomorrow
Using MOVIE as an acronym, recommend 5 films: M*A*S*H Other Guys, The Varsity Blues Incredibles, The Eurotrip
Reposted byAvatar Cliff Elliott
The fact that Biden has delivered on left-wing policy far better than any president in generations but is widely despised by left-wing voters reflects more poorly on left-wing institutions and voters than on Biden. This is not a movement showing political maturity, and I say that as a left-winger
I feel like the main political divide on this website is between “Joe Biden is terrible and old and I hate him” and “Joe Biden is terrible and old and I will crawl over broken glass to vote for a rancid ham sandwich against Donald Trump” very few people are actually huge fans of the guy
I’ve had only a grilled chicken sandwich today to prepare
I slept until 7:45 and it feels like I missed half the day.
My two older boys just had their first Skyline Chili experience. They want to come back for dinner. I’m so proud.
God bless this guy that runs my kids’ “ninja training” at the gym. Total chaos.
Just as God wanted…
New data from Texas shows a possible consequence of abortion bans: a rise in infant mortality. In 2022, after a six-week abortion ban took effect, deaths of infants before their first birthdays increased 13%, driven by birth defects, an analysis showed.
In Texas, Infant Mortality Rose After Abortion A study points to fatal birth defects as a driver in the increase in infant deaths.
Reposted byAvatar Cliff Elliott
While I understand and agree with the outrage as to why this is being taught, I kinda like the idea of teaching kids basic first aid skills in school. I had to learn it in scouting and as a cadet, but its come in handy several times. More than other things I learned on school.
“Chances are, you’re never ever going to have to use this. If you do, it’s gonna be scary,” trauma nurse Kate Carleton told the 8- and 9-year-olds. “But because we’ve taught you what to do, it makes it a little less scary.”
Born from the tragedy of gun violence, this program teaches children how to stop a wound from bleeding out | “Stop the Bleed” turns bystanders — even young children — into immediate responders by teaching them to pack a wound and use a tourniquet.
Reposted byAvatar Cliff Elliott
But now thanks to the power of AI you can generate an image of Gideon Yago with massive breasts while using enough energy to power a hospital for a day
Today in always save backup PDFs of your clips if you're a journalist in the year 2024: MTV News has vanished
MTV News Website Goes Dark, Archives Pulled The website of the already-defunct MTV News has been fully pulled offline.
Well no, it’s not for quite some time. Why do you ask?
One of these days will be the last time my last kid walks like an old man on his evening constitutional. Thank you, cloud storage.
There are two kinds of people in this world: Those that know the name of the UN Secretary General that died in a 1961 plane crash and those that know Ron Swanson’s ex-wives are both named Tammy.
I’m staying up way too late to watch Animal House, perhaps the most influential film of my people
Niche skeet: The horns at 3:02-3:08 of the BTCS version of “Crush” sound like something from the 1992 thriller/comedy “Sneakers.”