
Nothing has actually changed. You have a choice between congresspeople and senators and AGs and school board reps It’s a long damn ticket to examine for your vote, just like you had last week. Nothing about Joe and that felon has changed. Eyes on the structural prize.
PERFORMATIVE DESPAIR IS NOT A POLITICAL STRATEGY. Do not conjure your own imagined demise. In particular, don't do it collectively, on a communication system meant to amplify emotional contagion. (simpler/more esoteric: don't do death magic at collective scale on your own minds, for fuck's sake)
The last two prez elections were basically decided the weekend before the election. Heck, both candidates could be dead by November. I've got a garden to water
I would like one of these days to have an election where I was enthusiastic about one of the parties/candidates rather than mostly preventing one from being able to do harm, though. But you’re right vote the entire ballot - and research them all
That's true. The Supreme Court decided what it was going to do a long time ago too. No need to wring ourselves out.