Kameron Hurley

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Kameron Hurley


Amateur gardener. Professional ad copywriter. Award-winning novelist | kameronhurley.com
These glasses are becoming too large for my face. Also I'm wondering if I should ditch bifocals and just do regular glasses and reading glasses. Up close reading has gotten difficult again and this prescription isn't that old.
My mom once read a college paper my nephew had sitting around and couldn't understand why it sounded so generic and lifeless. When she asked, he told her about LLMs. Even people who aren't inundated with their output all day (like me) can quickly see there's something dead and creepy about it.
Robots writing for robots.
Definitely following up on this one
These explosions legitimately sound like they are demo'ing buildings.
Mostly this one just makes me want to rewatch the original, which had such exceptional camera work and performances. It's beat by beat the same film, so I'm entertained, but you get that modern copy-of-a-copy-of-a-copy feel that so many films and especially franchises have now. #axelf
I appreciate Joseph Gordon-Levitt, at least, acting his heart out here 🤣 #axelf
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This is the explicit goal of an astonishing amount of paid (and paid for!) propaganda out there. If you're feeling voting doesn't matter, maybe consider why it is so many people are spending so much money, time, effort and ad space trying to convince you not to.
“If a [political] party knows you’re not going to vote for them, the best thing they can do is convince you not to vote at all." — Stage_Door_Johnny (on instagram)
I have no idea why my day job did this. Why you'd do a full day off but then just a half day off the next day as a usual summer Friday, I don't know. Money, sure, but like who's gonna be productive that half day, really?
If a holiday falls on a Thurs then Friday should be one too imo
We are now so ready for the beach that spouse is seeing if he can get housesitter to show up Sunday afternoon instead of Monday 🤣. What a week! And I still have a half day of work tomorrow for some reason???
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Anyway, if anyone wants book recommendations right now, tell me 2 writers you love & what you’re in the mood for.
Finally read S. A. Cosby’s Blacktop Wasteland and it’s so fucking good. Oyeyemi’s Parasol Against the Axe is weird & gorgeous. Spufford’s Light Perpetual is everything I wanted it to be. Buehlman’s The Daughter’s War broke my heart. Craft: Stories I Wrote for the Devil by Lima is a wicked delight.
Says a lot about who designs Google that there isn't one of those auto filter tags that says "recipes" at the top like there is for images, shopping, and... finance???
Now we stuff the peppers. These are homegrown piquantes! Very exciting
I studied propaganda as part of my masters thesis and have always found it fascinating. It's a busy playing field out there rn. Also suggest checking out Like War
Just ordered Stories are Weapons from my local indie bookstore. Thanks for bringing it to my attention!
I do love a good devilled egg. Others are way too sweet for me but I make them like my grandma, which is just mayo, garlic salt, lemon juice, pepper.
I don't know, maybe stop fucking employees, barely-legal fans, and students, as issues of consent are always going to be extremely problematic in these situations at the best of times. Not that there's ever actual consequences, which is why guys keep doing it, but jesus. C'mon. Be an adult.
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I’m still agog at the end of this one series where a character’s happy ever after is reading in a castle in Scotland for a year and presumably the rest of the time she gets to sleep and go for pleasant walks and dang is that the dream or what
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I have been to Monet’s gardens and I have taken SO MANY pictures
Cooking up some grillins today to clean out some of these squash and peppers ahead of our trip on Monday.
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I have to share two of my favorite (non-political but joy-bringing) 4th of July pieces. First, Malcolm Gladwell’s article on why Heinz ketchup is unparalleled, one of the best pieces of food writing I know of: https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2004/09/06/the-ketchup-conundrum
The Ketchup Conundrumwww.newyorker.com Mustard now comes in dozens of varieties. Why has ketchup stayed the same?
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My kid, wearily: no one is actually eating Tide Pods, MOM.
Moral of the story: your teens are also concerned about what misinformation YOU have encountered on the World Wide Web.
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as they should be
Moral of the story: your teens are also concerned about what misinformation YOU have encountered on the World Wide Web.
I've seen people on Reddit purposefully do this on posts with no responses. They know if they post: "Need good weed solutions for my garden" and there's little engagement they can say, instead: "Just poured cold milk over my plants to kill weeds." Internet will fall all over itself with suggestions
The best way to get engagement on the internet is to say something deliberately and embarrassingly wrong.
Also the explosions these days sound like someone blew up a HOUSE
When I was a kid, we would hear maybe two or three city/club fireworks displays on or the night before the Fourth and a couple of bottle rockets maybe. Same neighborhood now sounds like war zone for at least a week. Last night there was a solid barrage of explosions for an hour or more.
...but you're ENGAGING with that NYT op-ed, aren't ya?
I don't mind a single 12 hour period of fireworks, even with dogs. A single day is a perfectly fine compromise. What I can't stand is two or three weeks of fireworks all day and all night.
guess my neighbors couldn't wait a day to shoot off fireworks or something
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We are trying to make it easy for people to identify auctions that are still in their budgetary range. Take a look!
Our volunteers are currently going through the auctions to help identify some amazing auctions that are still accessible for those with a lower price point. First, we have Auctions Under 50: there are so many awesome things in here! www.32auctions.com/o...
Romancing the Vote 2024www.32auctions.com Silent auction 'Romancing the Vote 2024' hosted online at 32auctions.
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I am super emotional guys. Like so emotional I can't even really process it yet. I was *hoping* we would make it to this goal by the end of the auction. I can't believe we've hit it on Wednesday. 💗
WE DID IT!! On day *three* of this auction! Romancing the Vote has now raised $900,000 across all three auctions... and I think we can officially say that's almost a million dollars. Y'all are the BEST. http://auction.roman...