
“UW researchers found that ChatGPT consistently ranked resumes with disability-related honors and credentials — such as the ‘Tom Wilson Disability Leadership Award’ — lower than the same resumes without those honors and credentials.”
ChatGPT is biased against resumes with credentials that imply a disability — but it can UW researchers found that ChatGPT consistently ranked resumes with disability-related honors and credentials — such as the “Tom Wilson Disability Leadership Award” — lower than the same...
why did they write, "but it can improve." they should ask experts. this is journalistic malpractice.
Because it’s not a fatal flaw for AI when it comes to resume reviewing. It can and hopefully will improve. That’s not journalistic malpractice, that’s a big piece of the story.
'ai' can't "review resumes", so let's start there.
This is precisely why hiring is such a mess right now. ATS that try to make the lone recruiter handling 100s of reqs more productive, doing vastly more with less. AI is a marketing term nearly devoid of meaning now. Some tools can classify resumes using ML LLMs are not one. It's not how they work
The issue isn’t necessarily more reqs, it’s that you get way more applicants today. Hell, you can go on The Ladders and sign up for a tool that will apply to jobs for you. We have reached out to applicants who had no idea they applied for our job.
The advent of the Internet expanded the funnel by orders of magnitude. Corps, via vendors, threw tech instead of people at the challenge. A bad and biased system grew worse. Efficiencies reduce pts of human interaction giving both sides, esp applicants, less of what they need for good decisions.
Here’s an idea: Maybe companies should require job applications be sent by mail, the old fashioned way. That would cut out tons of chaff. What we have now is an unsustainable mess that’s rapidly becoming bots applying to bots vetted by bots (Also maybe HR departments should hire more humans again)
Sure, in that I agree. But HR is just as much a cost center to be reduced to maximize shareholder value as any other. For most orgs spending money on Workday is preferable to making a more humane space and process. Human connection only has meaning if profitable.