
The Senate overwhelmingly approved a major bill Tuesday night to make it easier, cheaper and faster to permit and build new nuclear reactors. The ADVANCE Act, which passed with just two senators voting no, now heads to Biden’s desk for signing, which he is expected to do.
The Senate just passed a critical clean energy bill to pave the way for more nuclear | Democrats and Republicans in a bitterly divided Congress can agree on one thing: the US needs more nuclear to power America’s rapidly growing energy appetite – and fast.
We could've gone from oil plants direct to cracking atoms without building even a single coal plant. This is long overdue.
“This is not about making reactor licensing more efficient, but about weakening safety and security across the board, a longstanding industry goal. The change to the NRC’s mission effectively directs the agency to enforce the bare minimum of regulation at every facility it oversees across the US."
“ADVANCE Act” Is a Retreat on Nuclear Power The ADVANCE Act will weaken nuclear power plant safety and national security.
I think the foreign entities most likely to be affected is Westinghouse Electric (now Canadian) and AREVA, which is majority owned by the French government.
Make it easier and faster by gutting the safety regulations! The same scam they’ve been pulling for the last fifty years to funnel money upwards at the expense of safety.
“ADVANCE Act” Is a Retreat on Nuclear Power The ADVANCE Act will weaken nuclear power plant safety and national security.
Nuclear Reactors are no clean energy, wind and solar panels are!WHAT IF IT EXPLODES??Each nuclear plant uses 2 T O N S of PLUTONIUM and it's equal as energy source, 2 kilograms of each used to make a NUCLEAR BOMB dropped to Japan in WW1!CHERNOBYL AND FUKUSHIMA DISASTERS PROVE IT'S TOXICITY AND HARM!
Must be a ton of illicit kickbacks.🙂
I really wish people would stop defaulting to “they were bribed” when there are much more plausible explanations that are presented in the article.
Well clearly you’re on the take too!
Cute. Never observed someone at home presenting himself as a chimp. Unusual 2.😊
Because after Big Oil, the nuclear power lobby is all in DC Drump gets his way in wind power just by being crazy