
Biden, more than ever, needs to run ads educating the public on everything the Trump court is doing. And that Trump, not Biden, is responsible. Because some Americans still think it's Biden's fault. Dobbs, Presidential Immunity, Chevron, etc. Show the scorched earth they're gonna make happen.
17% of Voters Blame Biden for the End of The mistaken belief, in a new poll, shows how even as abortion is mobilizing Democrats, confusion over the issue is also a challenge.
okay but also what the hell is that headline doing
Straight outta the NYT. Hates Trump 90% Loves Trump 10% NYT: America Loves Trump
I mean... the big takeaway from this poll _should_ be that 1/6 of the electorate is completely misinformed, not that the majority are correctly informed.
It literally is Biden's fault. He could've issued an executive order protecting roe. He could've packed the courts. Hell, he could've called the military on the Supreme Court and strong armed the vote. There's a million things he could've done, and he did literally nothing.
^ this. It’s not entirely his fault, to be fair, but he—and the DNC—is culpable to some extent. They had 50 years to enshrine Roe into law.
every newspaper, every website, every billboard, every flaming email!
I wonder who that 17% is? At least 30% of voters will blame Biden for anything bad, no matter how insane that is. I bet there's a surprisingly large overlap between those voters and the ones who think that overturning Roe was bad. Hell, Trump himself is probably one of them.
Was just saying this to my son you’re absolutely right. Trump packed the court with people who will decide issues this way. He’s now more free to ignore the law and be accountable to no one. That should scare everyone except the people who were never going to vote for anyone but Trump.
I mean, the only ad they need is one with a "Court Overturns Roe" headline , pics of the SC and the "I did that!" voiceover from Trump. 30 fucking seconds.