
This is the most deranged shit I've heard. People are fucking Reality TV show pilled. This isn't Bang Your Mom's Friend Island or whatever that new one is, it's to decide whether or not the country is finished
Wild to watch horserace journalists suggest the most politically suicidal shit and pretend it's savvy.
She gives it away with "politics will be interesting again." That's all this is. The media are bored to death and couldn't care less if their boredom fucks all of us over.
I'm also not sure what part of politics has been boring during the last almost decade...
Reminds me of Bill Maher telling Bill Burr, "you don't get this stuff, I get this stuff" just because he's watched it for 50 years and done nothing but complain on a platform millions of other people are more deserving of.
Lindy West said that for Trump, being a reality TV star, the script determines reality, rather than the way for most of our politicians reality determines the script. There's a lot of truth to that, and dems need to combat it, not join in.
"Politics would be interesting again." Is going to roll around in my brain for a WHILE