
BREAKING NEWS: Washington Post runs 34585 story about Biden's mental fitness. I bet you didn't see this coming. And you'll be surprised when they run another one in 25 minutes. Also on page 45 of the Style Section: Heritage Foundation announces plan to take America by force
Breaking news: President Biden and his senior team said they accepted the grim ultimatum they’ve been hearing from almost all quarters of the Democratic Party — to demonstrate his fitness for office or face a significant effort to force him to step aside.
Biden and aides concede he needs to quickly demonstrate his fitness for Critics have been shaken by his relative inaction to directly address the panic ignited by his halting debate performance last Thursday.
They're in a FIERCE battle with The New York Times to get their tongue deeper into Trump's hole than anybody else
I just canceled my subscription, and wrote them a substantial comment as to why.
That's it. I'm unsubscribing from WaPo. Will we still get "Democracy Dies In Darkness," i wonder
maybe i don't know what a public appearance is but doesn't this last sentence refute the first?
Seems like a political attack disguised in a news story. Optics matter. They do know this. What kind of cognitive test would change people’s minds, who don’t feel assured by the debate.
The most generous interpretation I have is that they, too are scared shitless BECAUSE optics matter, and somehow are oblivious that they are in fact creating much of the reality they fear, here. Less generous? They just voted for the leopard eating face party, one way or another.
Bezos already tallying his tax cuts
The bizarre official line on Twitter now is that the MSM has universally hidden, quashed and denied that Biden's age was a concern, right up until the debate where they were forced against their will to switch gears.
If Biden had good cognition he would have announced his retirement a long time ago and allowed a primary. Maybe he wanted to but someone like Obama stopped him.
Just like the New York Times, spreading evil headlines to attract readers.