Jaana Nystrom

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Jaana Nystrom


Diver, golfer, drone operator
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If you care about criminal system reform, Project 2025 would allow the DOJ to prosecute reform-minded district attorneys.
#Project2025 A second Trump administration could weaponize existing government agencies to dismantle democracy itself. The assault on democracy takes many forms and many names in countries around the world. In the United States, its name is Project 2025... www.thenation.com/article/soci...
Project 2025’s Guide to Subverting Democracywww.thenation.com A second Trump administration could weaponize existing government agencies to dismantle democracy itself.
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The governors of a dozen Republican-led states — AL, AK, FL, GA, IA, MS, OK, SC, SD, TX, UT, WY — opted out of a new federal food assistance program, leaving about 9.5 million students without the aid this summer
Republican-led states are blocking summer food benefits for hungry familieswww.usatoday.com Money for food is especially tight for families in a dozen states where Republican lawmakers declined to accept federal food assistance.
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Nykyinen kokoomus on osa äärioikeistoa. Asia käy selväksi siitä, että puolueen johtaja koettaa siirtää keskustelua äärivasemmistoon nähdessään äärioikeistolaista terrorismia.
Pelkäänpä, että tänä päivänä Kokoomus ei enää edusta maltillista oikeistoa. Sitä lähinnä on ehkä Keskusta. Kaikki hallituspuolueet sen sijaan joko ovat äärioikeistoa tai äärioikeistolaisuuden aktiivisia mahdollistajia ja tukijoita, eli äärioikeistoa. Äärioikeistolaiselle tuo retoriikka on normaalia.
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Presidential candidate who the far-right members of the Supreme Court just placed above the law tells voters how he will exercise his new powers.
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#Trump #Epstein #PedoPrez
Looks like something useful is happening on the Nazi site - this court document about Donald Trump’s involvement in the Epstein case is going viral This is a disgusting read
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Shall we reelect the corrupt narcissistic old racist who did shit like this for 4 years?
WEEK 101 of Trump/Pence: Dec 17-23, 2018. The Trump Foundation closes after investigators found rampant corruption. North Korea says they'll continue to produce nuclear weapons, despite Trump’s public fawning adoration of Kim Jong-un. The government shuts down after Trump waffles on the border wall.
Trump Foundation to shut down under agreement with New York attorney generalwww.politico.com The attorney general's lawsuit, which seeks millions of dollars in restitution, will continue, even as the foundation agrees to cease existence.
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Gorsuch is sitting in Merrick Garland’s seat. Barrett’s confirmation was rushed through two weeks before an election. Kavanaugh is a credibly accused rapist with magically disappearing debts. Alito signals he’s not impartial. Thomas takes bribes. This Supreme Court is illegitimate.
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As a reminder, Trump was convicted for actions before he was President. He is seeking to use newly created *Presidential* immunity powers to have the conviction quashed even though he is not now President. What do you think he will do if he is actually President?
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If anyone wants to understand why Mexico has such problems with corruption, it's LITERALLY because their Constitution actually PROHIBITS prosecuting presidents, sitting or retired. That has meant Mexican presidents can and thus generally do whatever they want, legal or not.
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This is a fabulous article!! It's long, but I promise if you read it, you will be nodding your head. "Yes, that's My President!" PS: Seth Abramson's articles usually cost, and this one's free, probably because it's an important read. So pass it along, My Friends💙
(📢) Read this analysis of what President Biden actually *said* at the debate and you’ll be as angry as I am. Read in transcript, he’s *sharp*. “By Obsessing Over Visuals Rather Than Listening to Words, We Just Got Conned By Trump—Again” (🔗): sethabramson.substack.com/p/by-obsessi... Please share!
By Obsessing Over TV Visuals Rather Than Listening to Words, Voters Just Got Conned By Donald Trump—Againsethabramson.substack.com This report analyzes what President Biden actually said at the debate, rather than how he looked saying it. What we see in doing so—in focusing on how to govern rather than how to perform—is stunning.
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It goes…”I will do well under him” to fearing to voice any complaint/criticism because your neighbours may report you, you might lose your job, a local purity enforcement panel might castigate you & your family & in the end…kill you It really is an old story
From Threads Dictators always eat their own, in case some US politicians aren’t aware. Always.
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Mediaa vastaan hyökkääminen on jo siunattu hallituspuolueiden luottamuksella (ja Ylen leikkauksia odotellessa...) ja kansalaisjärjestöjen rahoitukset leikattu. Kokoomuksen johdolla ja perussuomalaisten peesauksella kohti Unkari ja Puolaa. Kiitos, Petteri Orpo! www.hs.fi/politiikka/a...
He vihaavat vapauksiamme ja oikeusvaltiotamme. He vihaavat kulttuuriamme, tiedettämme ja sivistystämme. He vihaavat luontoamme. He vihaavat hyvinvointivaltiotamme. He vihaavat maatamme. Ja nyt he, perussuomalaisten johtama äärioikeisto, ovat vallassa tuhoamassa kaikkea hyvää.
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Kokoomuksen johtama hallitus haluaa ajaa alas suomalaisen julkisen terveydenhoidon, jotta ihmisten olisi pakko maksaa itsensä kipeäksi yksityisen puolen hoidoista. Syy on raha. Ne ihmiset, jotka omistavat yksityiset terveysfirmat, toimivat kokoomuksen taustavaikuttajina. www.hs.fi/politiikka/a...
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Purra sanoo vakavissaan, että vetovoimatekijöitä pitää vähentää, jotta ihmiset eivät muuttaisi Suomeen ja Eurooppaan. Kyllä kai kaikki ymmärtävät, että se tarkoittaa Suomen muuttamista paskemmaksi kaikille rasismin vuoksi? Ja niin ainakin hallitus kaikin voimin toimii.