
John Oliver did a thing where they interviewed Brits and even they didn't know what he was all about but were like "he's not a Tory, so I'm voting for him" lmao
Is Keir Starmer good? I can't tell with that villain-coded name.
I am reading on his wiki that he once outran the cops who tried to arrest him for illegally selling ice cream in the French Riviera.
According to the BBC, something like 70% of people voting for Labour are doing so mostly because they want the Torries to lose.
May the other governments and societies of the world profit from this example.
I’m constantly confused as to what Hannah Gadsby did to warrant all of this attention.
He's very much like John Major, the PM from the early 90s, who wasn't Thatcher and sort of stood for not being awful, except it turned out he was surrounded by largely awful people running awful Tory policies.
He’s unflavored gelatin. Being the commie in the wood pile with Le Pen, Orban, whoever reps Italy this month, & Putin staring down Ukraine, Poland, Belarus - his gas station will have hostage customers and a warm weather port for his subs. This is why the US cant go fascist. 3 spheres is bad.