AJ Lansdale

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AJ Lansdale


TB/OU/OKC sportsposting, beer dork, history, nerd stuff, amateur/mediocre phone photography, leftist snark & other esoteric ramblings. Weird, but not in the cool ways.
Reposted byAvatar AJ Lansdale
I think the manager of the worst AL and NL teams at the break should coach the All-Star teams so we can figure out if they are the problem
Reposted byAvatar AJ Lansdale
the supreme court has made it clear that trump could shoot someone on fifth avenue and get away with it but i think they never considered the idea of whether anyone would give a shit if that person shot trump back
Reposted byAvatar AJ Lansdale
Merrick Garland retire bitch
Reposted byAvatar AJ Lansdale
There's a "Mr. Show" bit where they are going to blow up the moon. A monkey is supposed to press a button. But the monkey asks why are we blowing up the moon? So they replace it with a different monkey who will press the button no questions asked. And that is how the current GOP VP was selected.
Reposted byAvatar AJ Lansdale
anyway congrats to all the "maybe he could pivot to call for unity" imbeciles
Reposted byAvatar AJ Lansdale
not really sure that choosing the authoritarian oaf for vice-president really does much to distance the campaign from project 2025’s “government by authoritarian oaf” vision
Reposted byAvatar AJ Lansdale
It’s almost like the pundit class wants the wrong things out of this campaign season
In the best of times, American institutions have been shaky at best. What about the last 25 years should have given any of us any cause to have any faith in American institutions at all?
WSJ this morning. lol at the last bit. "Leaders on both sides need to stop describing the stakes of the election in apocalyptic terms. Democracy won't end if one or the other candidate is elected. Fascism is not aborning if Mr. Trump wins, unless you have little faith in American institutions."
Reposted byAvatar AJ Lansdale
dem leadership thought that, after biden was inaugurated back in 2021, it was essentially mission accomplished. trump was politically dead, the maga movement defeated, and it was time to move on. this is the most parsimonious explanation for dozens of awful decisions they made.
Reposted byAvatar AJ Lansdale
The Founders anticipated all of this, and that is why they buried throughout the constitution various secret hints and rules that would, centuries later, make it illegal to notice or get mad when a powerful and extremely dumb guy repeatedly commits obvious oafish political crimes.
Reposted byAvatar AJ Lansdale
She really said, “Retire, bitch.” (The “bitch” isn’t stated but is strongly implied.”
A senior House Democrat says efforts to replace Biden at the top of the ticket have stopped because, “We've all resigned ourselves to a second Trump presidency."
Trump rally shooting upends congressional Democrats' crisis over Biden's candidacywww.axios.com Rep. Dean Phillips said it would be "unpatriotic and unprincipled" to focus on anything besides the shooting.
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Reposted byAvatar AJ Lansdale
"This changes everything" No, it doesn't. Jesus Christ, grow a spine.
Why are Democrats like this?
Reposted byAvatar AJ Lansdale
Reposted byAvatar AJ Lansdale
Dammit I didn't get my camera open fast enough but they showed the Wembley watch party after the Olmo save and it was a sea of surrender cobras
Reposted byAvatar AJ Lansdale
Hey just remember if you’re a journalist you don’t have to believe anyone who tells you they weren’t going to vote for trump until this happened but now they are. I’m going to let you in on a secret, they were already going to vote for him and they think you’re too dumb to realize that.
Reposted byAvatar AJ Lansdale
If you think Trump is going to one single thing to help “cool down the violent rhetoric” then I have a bankrupt casino to sell you
Reposted byAvatar AJ Lansdale
Senate Dems should take one of their assorted gun control bills off the shelf, rename it something like "Trump Assassination Prevention Act," and force Rs to do a talking filibuster to block it
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Reposted byAvatar AJ Lansdale
I think it's perfectly acceptable for some people -- not necessarily politicians, but the rest of us -- to say something like "Trump has encouraged political violence for the better part of a decade and has been promising to do it with the government if he wins. I do not sympathize with him."
Reposted byAvatar AJ Lansdale
I’ll say one other thing; I don’t care how many hours have passed since the assassination attempt, there are just some people I’m not willing to take lessons on violent or irresponsible rhetoric from, or hear them out in good faith ever on this issue. Get fucked, fuck off, next.
Reposted byAvatar AJ Lansdale
Reposted byAvatar AJ Lansdale
Just a reminder: it’s good to oppose assassinations. But you are under absolutely no obligation to treat Trumpists and Trump-apologists as people who are honest, or acting in good faith, when they purport to condemn political violence or violent rhetoric. They’re not sincere.
Reposted byAvatar AJ Lansdale
I agree that Trump will ratchet up the violent rhetoric and that it’s hard to know which way it would swing. There’s real danger of someone acting on it and that’s the key concern. But just politically I don’t see a gain. Doesn’t draw new voters outside cult, might well drive away swing voters.
Trump is going to respond to this by becoming even more unhinged. He will call for violence, openly, gleefully. What we don't know: how the majority of Americans will react to the frontrunner for president demanding the murder of his opponents. I fear it's not going to be how we'd prefer, though.
Reposted byAvatar AJ Lansdale
I wouldn't normally blame an assassination attempt victim for their predicament, but if you've spent your entire political career fantasizing about political violence and then send a violent mob to kill Congress, you broke it & you bought it. To be clear, tho, I condemn this act of violent idiocy.
it's not the details. it's the general weakening of norms against political violence.
Reposted byAvatar AJ Lansdale
If there was a shooter, then whoever the shooter was, I presume we’ll have the usual plague of hasty prior-fluffing misidentifications from Reddit and the more marginal pundits.
Reposted byAvatar AJ Lansdale
Popping on to say: A lot of rumors are about to fly about this rally. Trump's team is 100% going to try and take advantage of this situation. So will malicious foreign actors/bots/etc. Please don't auto share. Check your sources, and vet their wording/sourcing carefully.
Reposted byAvatar AJ Lansdale
For the first time I can remember the left isn’t being blamed for a nominee’s general election struggles and they’re taking advantage of it.
The public endorsements of President Biden from Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez reflect a careful calculation that he offers the best hope for advancing progressive policies, according to people close to Sanders and Ocasio-Cortez.
Why Sanders, AOC threw Biden a lifeline as his candidacy flounderedwapo.st Liberal lawmakers giving the president political cover are aiming to secure his support for a more progressive policy agenda.
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Reposted byAvatar AJ Lansdale
Plans to ban legal weed and porn might be the sort of thing that gets some less engaged voters and “lol nothing matters” voters to care.
Project 2025 would include banning legal weed, right? We should talk about that one a *lot*