
It is no comfort to tell someone who is struggling that others have it worse. At best, you add guilt to their worries. At worst, you invoke wider despair. A true warrior knows not to borrow trouble, and to help your comrades, not add to their burdens.
Sure. Sure. But there’s STILL no guarantee that I can fix the noise your fax machine is making, Coach. Sounds like…….Ave Maria??!
All it ever made me feel was more weak for handling my struggles less well than they seemed to handle theirs. It benefits no one but those who want your misery to start comparing you to others in a time of crisis
Gratitude, Coach Gowron. Your efforts increase awareness of the glory of the Empire to these puny humans. I am in awe.
Look, Coach, I'm sorry but you really do need to accept that there are larger problems out there than your inability to find Brad's feet after that full-contact badminton championship. 's been missing his entire left arm you don't hear him going on about it.