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Director of Communications at

Anti-fascist. Gardener. A scoundrel for social cohesion. Occasional writings shared on

"Nicole Skews-Poole" if we're being fancy.
Reposted byAvatar Coley
The fucked up thing is that you saw the right collectively getting ready to move if this guy was a leftist. It doesn’t matter if 10 maniacs in a row are rightwing and they just shrug and move on, they’re getting ready for the one time it’s not.
As soon as we learned that Crooks was a registered Republican it was clear that the assassination attempt was going to be a two-day story.
Reposted byAvatar Coley
This episode aired in 1994 and no other joke about American politics has held up that consistently for so long.
Reposted byAvatar Coley
"The emails sent to RNZ anonymously indicate a ministerial advisory group tried to take control of rewriting the curriculum." Absolute scandal: that group is headed an employee of a rightwing thinktank, is made up of his personal picks, and all indications are that they have seized control.
Leaked emails deepen teachers' curriculum Leaked emails have deepened teachers' fears about the future of the secondary school English curriculum. The emails sent to RNZ anonymously indicate a ministerial advisory group tried to take control ...
Chloe has worked tirelessly on behalf of workers, women and survivors of sexual violence through years of coal front advocacy. She recently suffered an aneurysm and needs her community to rally behind her recovery. Please give if you can:
Recovery for Support Chloe's recovery from a brain aneurysm
Reposted byAvatar Coley
Just learned that Chloe Anne King, who has founded Raise the Bar Hospitality Union, and has been a tireless activist for working people recently suffered a seizure caused by a brain aneurysm. A Givealittle has been set up to support her recovery
Recovery for Support Chloe's recovery from a brain aneurysm
On days like this I find it soothing to imagine Francis Fukuyama being forced to slowly eat The End Of History, page by page.
I'm 5'7, but my husband and son are both HUGE and it makes me feel unreasonably small. I also somehow ended up with giant cats. That didn't contribute to my complex until one stood and stretched up to me and his paws REACHED THE MIDDLE OF MY BACK. Anyway, I'm 3 apples tall.
Reposted byAvatar Coley
My thoughts on v the University of Auckland. The judgment, which finds in favour of Siouxsie, strengthens academic freedom in New Zealand, but highlights problems with Auckland's management that its VC seems reluctant to accept.
The Siouxsie Wiles judgment should be a wake-up call for New Zealand’s 'The fact she had to take her university to court to force it to take her concerns seriously should trigger some serious soul-searching.'
This is important news. It clearly sets an expectation that employers will care for staff who face threats as part of their jobs, and it explicitly calls out how cruel it was for Auckland University to effectively punish Wiles for her own harassment.
For the second time in a few months, a random Hungarian Visla has become enamoured with me on the street. I truly think they suspect I’m one of them.
Sorry to interrupt wall-to-wall nightmare news, but I'd like to use social media for its intended purpose and complain for a second: Why do bras that are meant to be for big boobs always have tiny spaghetti straps? That's not how you're meant to treat your shoulders. That's not how bodies work!
Reposted byAvatar Coley
Inventing the emotional contagion app might have been a mistake
Reposted byAvatar Coley
Feels especially important, too, in the midst of bad faith attacks on the “quality of evidence” of trans health. If gender self-determination is a medical right, the conversation is very different.
🚨 Important new article on gender self-determination as a medical right in CMAJ! I argue that people have a right to gender-affirming care and that many common barriers aren’t justified by evidence. Trans health needs to centre human rights more! 🏳️‍⚧️
Gender self-determination as a medical [See related editorial at][1] Transgender people face many formal barriers to gender-affirming care, sometimes known as “gatekeeping.” Gender-affirming care...
Reposted byAvatar Coley
Your piece got me thinking about equivalents... eg if Destiny was threatening Rotary meetings or Remuera bridge club meetings or a drink at the golf course, to the point safety couldn't be guaranteed and they were cancelled, what would be the blowback?
Reposted byAvatar Coley
The system is working as intended, and it's silly to pretend otherwise at this point, even if some places had a good run of it for a while.
READ this, and then read it again.
When will we see action from this government on far right groups using threats to force community events to close? Will it only be when one of them takes the call of "time to kill" literally?
Rainbow communities need protecting – and police are failing After a spate of rainbow event cancellations, Jennifer Shields asks for a little more security for her communities.
Considering the main cultural icon couples of television are almost exclusively larger men married to small women, let's maybe think about what words we should actually be using here.
"mixed-weight romance" please kill me
It’s fun to shit on the algorithm, but y’know, I probably *would* stay in this extremely cursed, liminal 1980s Bavarian resort.
My teenage son made fry bread from scratch and brought me one with a hot coffee on the side. For parents of toddlers and various other hellish stages of parenting; this time will come for you one day and it’s a DELIGHT ☕️
Reposted byAvatar Coley
Reposted byAvatar Coley
Everyone in Aotearoa is getting spaghetti squash and forgetting what to do with them, so hear me now: Slice in half, scoop out seeds, brush in butter w salt & nutmeg & roast until golden. Caramelise some onion/shallot/leek, whisk in butter, flour, milk then cheese. Season to taste. Then...
At some older folks event in Tauranga, some random lady tried to tell my 82-year-old nana about furries and children shitting in litterboxes in class, and GOD BLESS her for just responding, "Well, I don't want to know about that." and then asking me if it was real.
An extremist influencer's constant, live-streamed threats and harassment campaigns are having tangible harmful impacts on multiple individuals, venues and communities throughout NZ. And yet he's still platformed, and now sharing stages with sitting MPs.
Drag storytime cancelled after 'threats' and opposition from Destiny A city councillor said people had 'threatened our team'.
This is abusive across the board, but it's also deeply misogynistic. It'd be great if we started talking about how many men seem to be chomping at the bit to call women cunts, as if it balances out the gendered abuse if those women are elected officials.
Hamilton city councillor writes expletive-laden rant to neighbouring Hamilton's mayor says Andrew Bydder's expletive-filled submission to a neighbouring council is "vulgar" and "abusive", and has made a formal complaint.
In case anyone's wondering, I deal with everything comically bad by saying, "Oh, good!" in an increasingly high-pitched voice each time the next surreal nightmare thing happens. I highly recommend it!
I genuinely think young people and politicians should be messaging directly and often. But disappearing messages is inherently a stupid format for any older random man to communicate with minors, and anyone demanding blind trust in that regard is not grounded in reality.
If you’re a longtime Internet weirdo who likes podcasts I beg you to listen to Sixteenth Minute by, specifically the Guy Who Ate 40 Rotisserie Chickens episode. One specific bit ENDED me so lmk when you reckon you’ve got there 😂
Just to be clear: The ACT Party’s decision to bully a university on social media for having a dedicated space on campus for Māori and Pacifica students, resulted in those students and staff receiving death threats.
Auckland Uni staff faced death threats after segregation Auckland University stands by its decision to support diversity on campus.