
My Julian Assange story is that we got him to walk back support for Gamergate by threatening to cancel his book launch party, and then after the party he walked back his walk back. I have never forgotten the flexibility of his convictions outside the public eye.
He sucks so hard. He badly wants people to think of him as being WikiLeaks but he's only the face of WikiLeaks cause he chased away all the good people who used to be involved in it, mostly by being a giant turd
When the Guardian published the first lot of Wikileaks cables they also ran a profile of Assange with a tone of "He's a good-looking rebel who plays by his own rules" and I couldn't shake the feeling that was a condition of them being given the cables. It made the whole thing feel like promo for him
Why bring that up today? "Whatever you think about Assange, the fact is he was imprisoned for one reason: he exposed a bloody war crime committed by US troops against unarmed Iraqi civilians." Maybe if you can't say anything nice don't say anything at all
He was imprisoned for a lot more reasons than that. He’s also just a trash human generally