
My Julian Assange story is that we got him to walk back support for Gamergate by threatening to cancel his book launch party, and then after the party he walked back his walk back. I have never forgotten the flexibility of his convictions outside the public eye.
He sucks so hard. He badly wants people to think of him as being WikiLeaks but he's only the face of WikiLeaks cause he chased away all the good people who used to be involved in it, mostly by being a giant turd
When the Guardian published the first lot of Wikileaks cables they also ran a profile of Assange with a tone of "He's a good-looking rebel who plays by his own rules" and I couldn't shake the feeling that was a condition of them being given the cables. It made the whole thing feel like promo for him
Why bring that up today? "Whatever you think about Assange, the fact is he was imprisoned for one reason: he exposed a bloody war crime committed by US troops against unarmed Iraqi civilians." Maybe if you can't say anything nice don't say anything at all
I do not think "If you can't say anything nice don't say anything at all" is really appropriate here. Calling out bad things does not make you excempt from criticism for the bad things you've done
No tolerance at all for anyone portraying Assange, an admitted rapist, Gamergate advocate, Ron/Rand Paul supporter, and Putin lickspittle who may have tipped the 2016 election in Trump's favour, as a hero. He has sometimes been on the right side by accident, but he's a reprehensible human being.
Also a hilarious thing to say about Assange, whose whole persona was "I'm a hero because I say things that aren't nice but are true" lol Obv a lot of that was just myth making self aggrandizement but the people defending him in this fashion believe it! Lol
You are free to assert that as a "fact", but that doesn't make it a fact. The exposing of US war crimes was done by WikiLeaks, which is not the same as being done by Assange. Why was he in charge of WikiLeaks at the time? Because he drove everyone else involved away then ruined the platform.
If you think exposing war crimes is good, and I certainly do, then Assange is someone worth loathing, which I certainly do. Nobody is more responsible for the demise of WikiLeaks. But don't take my word for it, just do like two seconds of research into the feelings of literally anyone involved.
all i know for sure is that he has come across as a total asshole in every piece of media i have ever seen with him in it, even those that were meant to make the public sympathetic to him.
He was imprisoned for a lot more reasons than that. He’s also just a trash human generally
Why bring that up today? "Whatever you think about Assange, the fact is he was imprisoned for one reason: he exposed a bloody war crime committed by US troops against unarmed Iraqi civilians." Maybe if you can't say anything nice don't say anything at all
Lol you posted this same thing verbatim in like a dozen threads, your account has only one nonsense post of its own, no profile picture, exclusively commenting pro-assange replies and weird bot-style nonsense. Very real and normal stuff, I'm sure you super care in good faith lol
That's how it goes when you're a grifter working for whoever pays you.
This is why "free Assange" is an immediate, massive red flag. The number of "leftists" who have bought into his bullshit as he actively works for fascists is incredibly depressing.
Why bring that up today? "Whatever you think about Assange, the fact is he was imprisoned for one reason: he exposed a bloody war crime committed by US troops against unarmed Iraqi civilians." Maybe if you can't say anything nice don't say anything at all
Because people who work for fascist governments while the most dead-brained "leftists" in the turnip factory rally to their cause need to be called out.
I think the "Horseshoe" theory of politics is wrong, that it's an outright circle, where the far end is "Our Government(s) Are The Epitome Of Evil", and people freely wrap around the back end from left to right around this common basis. And any monster who opposes the west becomes a hero.
It happened with Snowden too, and guess how they reacted when he started to promote RFK, Jr. as president?
A few people in my social circle were acquainted with him. Not one had a good word to say about him.
Why bring that up today? "Whatever you think about Assange, the fact is he was imprisoned for one reason: he exposed a bloody war crime committed by US troops against unarmed Iraqi civilians." Maybe if you can't say anything nice don't say anything at all
He was imprisoned for running out on multiple rape accusations.
my opinion of him has always been that he doesn't deserve the persecution from the us govt, but the guy seems kind of a prick
I knew he was a piece of shit when he wouldn’t clean up after his own cat while he was squatting in the Ecuadorian embassy.