
The border deal is a bad one, but it’s also a symptom of a larger problem - there aren’t any mechanisms for passing funding for important things (and aid to Ukraine is important) when the party with the majority in the legislature has no interest in actually passing legislation.
You try to give them the thing that they want to pass the other stuff, but the GOP doesn’t actually want anything. They’re a perpetual opposition party with no actual agenda beyond “we’re here to make the Democrats mad”.
They have learned the lesson from Dobbs that you cannot actually deliver the bug nuts stuff that they promise the base without looking like monsters.
It was a sad day when I realized so much of what the Founders built was resting on the idea of "People won’t be assholes… right? They’ll run for office because they want to govern… right?"
I, uh, don't see how there could be a mechanism for that
Also when it has the minority in one of the houses of the legislature.