
Voters: they’re mysterious!
1.5%? We’re doing all this over 1.5%?
Still is a tie. Polls with a single digit difference is no difference.
Yeah, that’s the point. Everyone is talking like the world is ending for Biden and meanwhile basically nothing has changed.
Nothing has changed you say? The betting markets would disagree. check this out.
The betting markets are run by panickydegenerates
Guys who don't understand that a 6 months out futures bet is primarily an interest free loan to the bookie
Seriously the most significant determinant of the price on “Will Biden be the nominee?” should be the treasury bond interest rate discounted for the odds of Biden dying. That’s it.
I remember how after the 2020 election the betting markets were giving like a 20-30% chance Trump was gonna win several states that had already been called literally weeks before. I no longer look at the markets!
they do tend to have a bit of a breakdown when politicians have cults of personality around them, because then they become meme stocks. most of the people buying GameStop weren't actually savvy investors, but wanted to be part of something. Trump cultists buy Trump futures to signal Trump loyalty.
I mean, that sounds like a bug tho, right? the payout occurs when the event happens. so even if they allowed you to somehow bet on something whose deadline passed, you'd never be able to collect. unless I misunderstand you.
IIRC the payout didn’t happen until inauguration since the bet was about who the next president would be!