
Look, I had to go through my own personal journey on this, but the degree of deference that we give—to the point of inventing an even more unlikely version than the one given by the Justice himself—to Justices is actively a problem.
this dude is basically the nation’s leading expert on legal ethics, we are so cooked.
We know that Alito is Deep in the Red Pilled Lore, because he uses the exact language that they use, on regular occasion, and addresses them in person, to repeat their grievances back at them. Anyone who does not know this about Alito is actively trying not to know.
I remember the incredibly shocking partisan speech that Alito gave exactly two months before the flag-upside-down incident, in which he spoke about masking and vaccines as the biggest threats to liberty and basically repeated Trump lore.
Samuel Alito's Federalist Society Speech Sparks Controversy | Law & Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito gave a virtual keynote address at the Federalist Society’s annual convention on Thursday night. His remarks felt more like a Fox News rant segment or a list of griev...
He had *already* violated the very shocking principle that Gillers claims that no true justice would willingly violate—on the record, recorded, live-streamed—in speaking about cases that were making their way up through the lower courts.
The very *idea* that he wouldn’t know what it meant—or that he would practice some modicum of restraint—can easily be dispelled by looking at the things he has said and done publicly.
Alito has told us who he is. Just believe him already.
ARSONIST: I just torched a building downtown, and I'm afraid I'll do it again! WIGGUM: Oh, yeah right. I'll just type it up on my invisible typewriter. Dum de dum dum...fruitcake.