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Interdisciplinary artist, Interdimensional being. I do lemon things
Kinda fucked up that the slaves got shame and the slavers got statues.
I love the idea of Taco Bell surviving the downfall of Capitalism 🤣🤣🤣 it would definitely mean we're in a timeline similar to Demolition Man and we might find out the shell wiping system
I gotta stop manifesting anything except Taco Bell and then the downfall of capitalism lmao
Republicans attacked John Kerry as a coward and praised a draft dodger. And this makes me realize there was never a Vietnam Vet President.
Exactly this been saying it. Now they are at a point where they don't have to hide it and now it's like wow
white people are catching on b/c the fascists have started saying the quiet part out loud just cause you don't speak dogwhistle doesn't mean it wasn't said
Anyway, if you got some ideas and you need some explaining or experienced guidance from someone who tussles in there daily, say hi
I literally love and hate Wordpress sometimes. I mainly love the challenge of putting puzzle pieces together bc whatever you think you want to do can absolutely be done. I hate the confusion of figuring out the pieces tho. It can really take WEEKS.
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The knocked out ref thing is so old lmao
The problem is that as long as leftists keep being white people with uninterrogated whiteness, they're useless to us. Their politics haven't mattered, because fundamentally they're unable to not be antiblack. Whiteness is not getting fixed with a magic wand, it's so persistent, & many gave up.
they have a blind eye (if not addiction) to the privileges at the foundation of their freedoms. this is the basis for racism on the left: it's not intended, but theyve conflated privilege with human rights for 400 years and dont see venn diagram of it all in which they live.
Honestly if you’re white and escaped to another country and are lecturing about being in America For “healthcare” while you were trying to deny health care via vaccination Sell that shit to your white friends who let you use our bodies for research
Lmfao "Fuck you Solo!" chants. I love uncensored crowd chants 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 the crowd ready for Roman Reigns to come back too
I don't think Roman is coming back tonight because the new Bloodline kinda needs this win to establish dominance. I do want Roman to come back though.
And Tiffany Stratton isn't even good at promos 😵‍💫😵‍💫
🫤 and she wins.
I don't understand the appeal of Tiffany Stratton though.
Ok I like the pacing of the Women's Money in the Bank match better. Men's was way too much of a spot fest.
I don't understand the appeal of Tiffany Stratton though.
Damn the Kamen Rider IG just dropped the first pic of Kamen Rider Gaav poster. It's really almost over
I would actually lose my mind if for WWE Bad Blood in October BBL Drizzy plays at some point during the event. It won't but 🤣🤣🤣 it's still a funny thought
Cody Rhodes and Metro Boomin lmfao 🤣🤣🤣
Bron Breakker is the son of Rick Steiner!!! Holy shit!
Completely agree
Star Wars has never been serious. It is basically a mashup of Flash Gordon, Akira Kurosawa, & Dune if the Butlerian Jihad never happened. Star Wars has always been campy & pulpy. It is slop. The lesbian space witches are cool. Relax.
Ok that Money in the Bank match was good.
Oh shit Money in the bank is sponsored by The Boys? I never watched the show but it stands out like a sore thumb
I'm glad they stopped Drew McIntyre from going to the ring with a sword like Brave Heart. That shit was dumb as hell
I had another post but I forgot it when I turned on Money in the Bank. Darn it!
Also I am not expecting Roman Reigns to return until SummerSlam but his return is going to be so good.
Oh wow they started Money in the Bank at 7? Anyway I want Jey Uso to win