CraftBeerCommie ☭

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CraftBeerCommie ☭

From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free 🇵🇸

Now reading: Liberalism: A Counter-History by Domenico Losurdo
I still can't believe he strangled poor Shaggy to death.
The Dems would put Joe down before implementing $55 rent lol
A lot of people are choosing to look away right now in the face of something that is making Doctors Without Borders say things like this
Avatar is a huge fail not doing anything about digital apartheid & genocide.
This is not a spam account, this someone attempting to survive genocide. Stop enabling the Palestinian genocide by marking Palestinian's accounts as spam when they sign up for bluesky to reach out for help.
Often when Palestinians make accounts here, they follow a lot of people quickly & post rapidly to make urgent calls for help. That's actually perfectly justified behavior while you're trying to survive genocide, but ignorant people just tag it as spam.
Could be following too many people too quickly, honestly
I wish I could like this multiple times.
The fundraiser for Jamal’s family is edging nearer to their goal. Maybe you’re in a position to donate something or share & boost their campaign to help push them even closer! #Gaza #Notspam
I am now a pacifist.
You think you get a Homer Simpson without spilling blood? You think you end up with Peter Griffin without taking a life?
I don’t much like pushing paid subs for my metal newsletter, but man, I could really do so much more with it if it made just a little more money. Lemme get an arts grant for lefty extreme metal journalism Salvo: a heavy metal publication
This is one reason I think we should put a cap on the president's age. It's insane that the only option is to convince someone with significantly diminished mental faculties that he's no longer capable of doing the job and should step aside willingly.
The nice thing about liberalism's early advocates was their willingness to say things that don't get said today. Mandeville: "To make the society … happy … it is requisite that great numbers … should be ignorant as well as poor’; ‘the surest wealth consists in a multitude of laborious poor."
Locke: Slaves "cannot … be considered as any part of civil society, the chief end whereof is the preservation of property."
Losurdo quoting Sidney: "'a kingdom or city … is composed of freemen and equals: Servants may be in it, but are not members of it.’ Indeed, ‘no man, whilst he is a servant, can be a member of a commonwealth’; he is not even a member of the people, because ‘the people’ comprises ‘all the freemen’."
Taking a shit off the edge of the roof would be better.
Currently having a shit in the toilets on the roof of St Peter's Basilica in the Vatican and I'm more excited than I should be and just needed to tell someone.
Won't someone please think of the poor NYT columnists. 😭
Is that what he was doing on here? Listening to people? Because it sounds like he was mostly blocking people raising legitimate points about the harm his employer is doing to trans people.
i would simply request that you read my thread that shows, quite clearly, that the NYT's impact on trans people isn't theoretical or amorphous (though it of course has those effects as well), but rather is quite direct. It is actively harming my trans siblings.
LEGAL DISCLAIMER: *This thread is about the NYT AS A WHOLE* Feb 2, 2024: The NYT publishes a 4,500-word exercise in literary vomit by Pamela Paul titled “As Kids, They Thought They Were Trans. They No Longer Do.” By Feb 6, this embarrassment is cited in a conservative legal brief in Idaho.
Cool. Maybe take a look at everything else they've published about trans people now.
A study published in Lancet estimates the total is around 186,000 now.
I've been told that's just a stutter.
I know it is. His last name is spelled two different ways in that screenshot. Two Ls in one, and only one L in the other.
Shit, I got RSV last fall and it took me like 2 months to fully recover.